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Go get ’em Stormy!

Go get ’em Stormy!

Marty’s photo of the day #4731: I shot this photo of Bill Clinton back in 2008, and it reminds me of how hypocritical Republicans and a little over half of the Christians in the United States are. In 1998, those people were salivating to impeach Clinton for an affair he had with a consenting adult. […]

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb . . .

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb . . .

Marty’s photo of the day #4730: I don’t know if I’ll be successful for the entire week, but I have been going through the photo files on my computer, trying to find pictures to post that fit the theme of the first of many criminal trials of the Great-Christian-White-Nationalist-Ordained-By-God-Persecuted-Like-Jesus Donald Fucking Trump. I shot this […]

Once Christians can set aside Jesus’s disdain for money . . .

Once Christians can set aside Jesus’s disdain for money . . .

Marty’s photo of the day #4609: Once Christians can set aside Jesus’s disdain for money as depicted in the Bible, the rest is easy to accept: The enormously wealthy Catholic Church declaring individual bankruptcies to avoid paying court-ordered penalties for child sexual abuse, mega churches and televangelists shoveling in the money while virtually ignoring the […]

Apocalypse Cabin

Apocalypse Cabin

Marty’s photo of the day #4471: Each summer, Deb and I rent at least one U.S. Forest Service Cabin, and last week we rented the Canyon Creek Cabin in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest (west of Melrose, Montana). One Montana cabin tradition that sickens me is that quite literally every cabin has skulls and bones hanging […]

Abhorrent Christian behavior

Whenever I write a rant about abhorrent Christian behavior, I have to add “not all Christians” somewhere in the text or I will get nailed. I was thinking about that this morning as I was reflecting on all the new Christian-based laws that are popping up across America. These laws cherry pick the most hate-filled […]