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Brown-Throated Parakeet vs Yellow-Shouldered Amazon Parrot, Pt 1

Brown-Throated Parakeet vs Yellow-Shouldered Amazon Parrot, Pt 1

Marty’s photo of the day #4502: Bonaire has both brown-throated parakeets and yellow-shouldered Amazon parrots. The two species look alike, but there are subtle differences between them. The most noticeable difference is that the parakeet is slimmer than the parrot. Last month, I was lucky enough to photograph both of them. Today, I’m featuring the […]

Bonaire Donkeys

Bonaire Donkeys

Marty’s photo of the day #4484: Humans brought donkeys to Bonaire in the 1600s to perform manual labor. Later, machines replaced the donkeys, and they were abandoned by the humans. Bad humans! Good donkeys! As such, wild donkeys still roam the island. They have a tough life here, and being that Bonaire has a dry […]



Marty’s photos of the day #4567: This is a laughing kookaburra, photographed in Australia. Here’s what I wrote about these birds in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents: Though not as stunning as the kingfishers or cockatoos, laughing kookaburras are handsome gray and white birds with a very famous call: […]

Don’t eat this!

Don’t eat this!

Marty’s photo of the day #4470: AI technology amazes me. Yesterday, I finished the first draft of my eighth book, “Barry and Beth,” and in that novel, my characters are trying to produce a short video to stop barbaric alligator hunting practices in Florida. For a script idea, they try AI. Well, I did that […]



Marty’s photo of the day #4221: For today’s photo Deb and I go hiking on a rainy night in Costa Rica and find what we are searching for! (Well, at least me.) You’re looking at a fer-de-lance, the deadliest snake in the Western Hemisphere. The fer-de-lance doesn’t have the most potent venom in the Western […]