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Bearing false witness

Bearing false witness

Since I have placed multiple liberal-political-content warnings on the Amazon pages for Time Is Irreverent and Time Is Irreverent 2: Jesus Christ, Not Again! I have slowed down the negative reviews from right-wingers. Still some, who have obviously not read the novels, trash them anyway: This one was posted today for Time Is Irreverent: “Seriously. […]

While Republicans chant “AOC sucks!” AOC does the decent thing

While Republicans chant “AOC sucks!” AOC does the decent thing

At Thursday’s Donald Trump rally in Michigan, the classy, thoughtful, intelligent, Jesus loving audience expressed appreciation that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was fighting to give them better health care, better education, and a better environment. Who am I kidding? They actually expressed love for their cult leader, and when encouraged by Greasy Son of Cult Leader, broke […]

Trump is in full asshole mode

Trump is in full asshole mode

So this week Crybaby Trump is in full asshole mode, attempting to take away health care for millions, trying to defund the Special Olympics, and declaring that Puerto Rico has received too much hurricane relief. This doesn’t surprise me. Trump is exactly the same uncaring, unethical, incompetent, criminal buffoon anyone with critical thinking ability knew […]

Trump is too stupid to collude

Trump is too stupid to collude

So Robert Mueller, a registered Republican, and Donald Trump’s own Republican attorney general, William Barr, apparently couldn’t find a reason to charge Donald Trump with colluding with Russia during the 2016 election. Now Republicans, including the crybaby himself, are demanding an apology. What if the president under investigation had been Obama and the people who […]

It Trump really a fascist?

It Trump really a fascist?

Is Donald Trump actually a fascist? Although I often criticize the incompetent twit, I’ve tried to avoid exaggerating by blatantly calling him a fascist. Then I saw this: “The Democrats could solve the Shutdown problem in a very short period of time. All they have to do is approve REAL Border Security (including a Wall), […]

The slow mass murderer

The slow mass murderer

Hey Republicans! Did you see that your cult leader, Donald “The Slow Mass Murderer” Trump is trying to roll back yet another Obama-era environmental regulation? This time his administration is proposing to loosen the regulation on mercury, since it’s “too expensive to industry.” Yes, the man you voted for, because his stance against abortion allowed […]