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No oral sex for Republicans

No oral sex for Republicans

On February 12, 1999, the vast majority of Republicans voted to convict Bill Clinton in his impeachment trial. His crime: lying about a blow job. On February 5, 2020, every Republican except one voted to acquit Donald Trump in his impeachment trial. His crime: selling out America and withholding aid to an ally for personal […]

The GOP suicide cult

The GOP suicide cult

Sometimes bad news can be good news. Soon Senate Republicans will reject impeachment witnesses and acquit Traitor Trump. When that happens, their white-supremacist and evangelical Christian cult will celebrate without realizing that the acquittal will backfire bigly. That’s because the rest of America will know that the GOP sold out their country to protect the […]

Fence-sitters: pay attention!

Fence-sitters: pay attention!

Marty’s photo of the day #3141: I’ve been watching the impeachment hearings—not with anticipation that the Republicans will suddenly discover ethics, but with the hope that Americans who normally don’t participate in politics will finally realize that the GOP is blocking witnesses and documents because they care about one thing, and one thing only: power. […]

Who would Jesus mock?

Who would Jesus mock?

On December 4, Melania Trump tweeted: “A minor child deserves privacy and should be kept out of politics. Pamela Karlan, you should be ashamed of your very angry and obviously biased public pandering, and using a child to do it.” This was in response to Karlan’s statement that criticized Donald Trump, not Melania’s fragile son […]

Did Sen. Rand Paul just commit a crime?

Did Sen. Rand Paul just commit a crime?

“I say tonight to the media, do your job and print his name.”—Sen. Rand Paul at yesterday’s Trump Cult Rally in Kentucky Fact: Federal whistleblower laws protect the identities of people who bring forth accusations of wrongdoing by government officials. That means that Sen. Rand Paul, with Donald Trump nodding and clapping behind him, demanded […]

Mitt Romney knows something

Mitt Romney knows something

Have you noticed how Mitt Romney has been stepping up his criticism of Donald “The Bedbug” Trump? While pundits speculate a variety of motives from being a patriot to just not liking Trump, I have a different theory: Romney knows something. In fact, he’s reasonably sure that neither the Bedbug nor Mike “The Soulless One” […]