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Marty Essen signed book special!

Marty Essen signed book special!

Signed books make great holiday gifts! Beginning today, I am offering a signed book special. Here are the prices: Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents: $19.95 Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico: $19.95 Time Is Irreverent: $14.95 Time Is Irreverent 2: Jesus Christ, Not […]

Weber Music Hall

Weber Music Hall

Marty’s photo of the day #3683: You are looking at the Weber Music Hall, in the University of Minnesota Duluth. This excerpt from my latest book, Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer, explains the shot: My two favorite performances—so far—have been homecoming shows. The closest college to me is the […]

Fitger’s Inn, now and in 2056

Fitger’s Inn, now and in 2056

Marty’s photo of the day #3616: If you’ve read either Time Is Irreverent or Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer, you know a little about Fitger’s. The historic Duluth landmark used to be the Fitger Brewing Company, but now it is a boutique hotel, a bookstore, and a collection of […]

Thinking of alligators

Thinking of alligators

Marty’s photo of the day #3442: This morning I quite literally woke up thinking about alligators. Well, that and where the hell I’m going to go with the story in Time Is Irreverent 4, which I started writing yesterday. Anyway, alligators always seem to be getting the raw end of videos on Facebook and Twitter, […]

How life would be different with a single change to history

How life would be different with a single change to history

I love writing the Time Is Irreverent series of novels, because the characters allow me to demonstrate how things would be different with a single change to history. For instance, in the first novel time-traveling protagonists Marty Mann and Nellie Dixon show how life today would be different if Christianity hadn’t taken hold, and in […]

Off to the editor!

Off to the editor!

Yay! I just sent Time Is Irreverent 3: Gone for Sixteen Seconds off to my editor. After I wrote my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents (published in 2007), it took me nine years to publish Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico. […]

Trump fans take note!

Trump fans take note!

When I published Time Is Irreverent, conservative Christian Republicans were furious with how I depicted them. Hell, I even suggested that the theocracy coming out of the reign of “President Handley” would advocate shooting brown people crossing the border from Mexico. Then, last night, while Donald Trump was whining at a rally about brown people […]

Bearing false witness

Bearing false witness

Since I have placed multiple liberal-political-content warnings on the Amazon pages for Time Is Irreverent and Time Is Irreverent 2: Jesus Christ, Not Again! I have slowed down the negative reviews from right-wingers. Still some, who have obviously not read the novels, trash them anyway: This one was posted today for Time Is Irreverent: “Seriously. […]

#10 and #11 on Amazon

#10 and #11 on Amazon

Last night the stars aligned, and Time Is Irreverent and Time Is Irreverent 2: Jesus Christ, Not Again! were #10 and #11 on Amazon in Political Humor. Now, of course, I have the new goal of hitting #1 and #2 at the same time. When the reviews and the magazine articles start coming in for […]

Laughing in the ICU waiting room

Laughing in the ICU waiting room

It’s way too early to know if my new novel, Time Is Irreverent 2: Jesus Christ, Not Again! will be a sales success, but this morning I received the nicest email from a woman in Sweden. She had been in the intensive care waiting room at a hospital, while her mother was having heart surgery. […]