Marty’s photo of the day #3605: This year, with Republicans holding overwhelming power in every Montana state office, I wasn’t as active about speaking out against their actions as I have in the past. That’s because of the helplessness of knowing these cruel, proudly-Christian people were going to do whatever they damn well pleased, and […]
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Tag: Republican
Those who died for Trump’s sins
With Easter weekend here, millions of white, Trump-voting Christians will be flocking to churches to celebrate Christ dying for their sins. While they do that, most won’t have a second thought about the hundreds of thousands of people who died for Donald Trump’s sins. Then, come Monday, those same Trump-Christians will go back to cheering […]
January 6th: the day the GOP attempts to turn America into a theocracy
The Electoral College certification process is going to make January 6th a wild day. Cosplay right-wingers will descend on Washington like flies descend on Mike Pence’s head. And inside the United States Capitol, at the joint session of Congress, roughly 140 Republicans will attempt to toss aside the presidential election and turn America in to […]
I’m glad Trump survived COVID-19 to . . .
I’m so glad Donald Trump survived COVID-19 to witness people around the world dancing in the streets over his defeat! He’s going to lose the Electoral College by 306 to 232 and the popular vote by over 5 million. People will remember his crybaby post-trouncing temper tantrum for as long as the United States exists, […]
Come on America!
Marty’s photo of the day #3419: Today, we have a message from Martyman: “Come on America! You know what you have to do! And don’t forget to do the same to all the Republican senators who blindly supported the fascist turd.”
Arctic scenic
Marty’s photo of the day #3369: For this photo, I am standing on a hill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, looking south toward the Brooks Range and the Jago River. Thirty-five miles to the north is the Arctic Ocean, and a day after taking this photo, Deb and I would begin a canoe trip […]
Why Trump really wants to kill the U.S. Postal Service
For years Republicans have failed to support the U.S. Postal Service, but it always felt like a game of chicken, where the GOP would eventually back down and give the Postal Service what it needed. If the Postal Service shut down, thousands of businesses that bill their clients through the mail would go out of […]
No Newt is Good Newt in the Amazon Rainforest
Marty’s photo of the day #3200: Back in the 1990s, I had a side business selling No Newt is Good Newt T-shirts and sweatshirts. When Newt Gingrich resigned as Speaker of the House in 1998, no one wanted the shirts anymore (or, to look at it more positively, the shirts worked!), and to this day […]
Corporations must go to the end of the line!
In the past, when renewable energy companies asked for help, Republicans screamed, “Free market! We can’t pick and choose the winners!” Yet now, when airlines, hotels, and other corporations in their stock portfolio ask for help, Republicans proclaim, “Yes! If we don’t help them, the cure will be worse than the problem!” Congress and the […]
Trump teaches children that revenge is okay
The Christian-right gets their panties in a twist if two same sex people kiss on television—because “children are watching!” Knowing that, isn’t it ironic that they don’t get upset when their “champion,” Donald Trump, assaults women, calls people derogatory names, goes on a deranged rant at the National Prayer Breakfast, profits off of the presidency, […]
No oral sex for Republicans
On February 12, 1999, the vast majority of Republicans voted to convict Bill Clinton in his impeachment trial. His crime: lying about a blow job. On February 5, 2020, every Republican except one voted to acquit Donald Trump in his impeachment trial. His crime: selling out America and withholding aid to an ally for personal […]
The GOP suicide cult
Sometimes bad news can be good news. Soon Senate Republicans will reject impeachment witnesses and acquit Traitor Trump. When that happens, their white-supremacist and evangelical Christian cult will celebrate without realizing that the acquittal will backfire bigly. That’s because the rest of America will know that the GOP sold out their country to protect the […]
The only impeachment deal the Democrats should make
By standing by their cult leader, the Republicans have totally fucked themselves (and not in a good way). Over the past few weeks, pundits have speculated that the Democrats would try to make a deal with the Republicans, but the impeachment trial has changed that. If the Republicans don’t allow witnesses, their deceit will follow […]
Fence-sitters: pay attention!
Marty’s photo of the day #3141: I’ve been watching the impeachment hearings—not with anticipation that the Republicans will suddenly discover ethics, but with the hope that Americans who normally don’t participate in politics will finally realize that the GOP is blocking witnesses and documents because they care about one thing, and one thing only: power. […]
What if Mike Pence had an attack of ethics?
Now that Donald Trump has been impeached, reporters in the legitimate media pretty much agree that Republican senators will ignore their oath to “do impartial justice” and quickly acquit the Oval Office Sociopath of his crimes against America. But what if Republican politicians actually believed in the tenets of Christianity rather than just using it […]
Who would Jesus mock?
On December 4, Melania Trump tweeted: “A minor child deserves privacy and should be kept out of politics. Pamela Karlan, you should be ashamed of your very angry and obviously biased public pandering, and using a child to do it.” This was in response to Karlan’s statement that criticized Donald Trump, not Melania’s fragile son […]
Trump’s impeachment: we all know how this will turn out
I feel like I should write something about the impeachment of Donald Trump, but we’ve all known how this is going to turn out for months: Impeachment will pass the House on party lines (give or take a few people) and go to the GOP-controlled Senate, where they will fail to convict on similar party […]
GOP chairman confuses Republican vales with Montana values
Don “K” Kaltschmidt, the chairman of the Montana Republican Party, has a blistering guest column in Montana newspapers this week. In that column, he accuses Gov. Steve Bullock and other Democratic state leaders of not reflecting the state’s “values” by supporting the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump. While it’s laughable that any Republican would speak […]
Mitt Romney knows something
Have you noticed how Mitt Romney has been stepping up his criticism of Donald “The Bedbug” Trump? While pundits speculate a variety of motives from being a patriot to just not liking Trump, I have a different theory: Romney knows something. In fact, he’s reasonably sure that neither the Bedbug nor Mike “The Soulless One” […]
Republican hypocrisy in a nutshell
For years Republicans have rejected the argument that our Founding Fathers could never have envisioned high-capacity, rapid-fire guns when they wrote the Second Amendment. Conversely, they are now arguing in front of the Supreme Court that people of differing sexual orientations and identities can be fired from their jobs—because the lawmakers who wrote the Civil […]