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My deal for Trump-Christians

My deal for Trump-Christians

Well it happened: Donald Trump has officially offered his thoughts and prayers for this weekend’s mass shooting victims. And as you know, prominent Christians, such as Pat Robertson and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, have publicly stated that Trump was “God’s choice” for president—and millions of conservative Christians have agreed. If Trump was indeed sent by God, […]

Our Secret Spot

Our Secret Spot

Marty’s photo of the day #2941: Deb and I moved to Montana in 1996, partly because we enjoyed being able to hike almost anywhere and not see a single person. That’s changed over the years—especially in the summer—and now it’s difficult to find a trailhead parking lot without numerous cars. Fortunately, many years ago Deb […]

Not just Dr. Evil, evil

Not just Dr. Evil, evil

There are many similarities between Donald Trump and evil dictators. I noticed one this week, when reports surfaced that Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un of North Korea had his special envoy to the United States, Kim Hyok Chol, executed because of last February’s failed summit with Trump. Coincidentally, White House staffers made sure the warship USS […]

Trump fans take note!

Trump fans take note!

When I published Time Is Irreverent, conservative Christian Republicans were furious with how I depicted them. Hell, I even suggested that the theocracy coming out of the reign of “President Handley” would advocate shooting brown people crossing the border from Mexico. Then, last night, while Donald Trump was whining at a rally about brown people […]

While Republicans chant “AOC sucks!” AOC does the decent thing

While Republicans chant “AOC sucks!” AOC does the decent thing

At Thursday’s Donald Trump rally in Michigan, the classy, thoughtful, intelligent, Jesus loving audience expressed appreciation that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was fighting to give them better health care, better education, and a better environment. Who am I kidding? They actually expressed love for their cult leader, and when encouraged by Greasy Son of Cult Leader, broke […]

Trump is too stupid to collude

Trump is too stupid to collude

So Robert Mueller, a registered Republican, and Donald Trump’s own Republican attorney general, William Barr, apparently couldn’t find a reason to charge Donald Trump with colluding with Russia during the 2016 election. Now Republicans, including the crybaby himself, are demanding an apology. What if the president under investigation had been Obama and the people who […]