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Willow ptarmigan

Willow ptarmigan

Marty’s photo of the day #3500: This is a willow ptarmigan, photographed in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And thanks to President Joe Biden for moving quickly to once again protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from greedy oil companies!

Trump lost ground bigly

Trump lost ground bigly

Last night’s presidential debate was hard to watch, but from a strategic point of view it was a thing of beauty. Donald Trump had set-up Joe Biden to be a senile old man, just as he had previously set-up Hillary Clinton to be a woman with Parkinson’s Disease. That Biden more than held his own […]

Photography by moonlight

Photography by moonlight

Marty’s photo of the day #3337: This is Fred Burr Creek, located a little below my house. I took this photo at night with no flash—just moonlight. I’m posting this shot out of season for a reason: the next time the creek looks like this and I can photograph it using moonlight, Joe Biden will […]

Slow murders

Slow murders

Even though Joe Biden isn’t my first choice for the Democratic nominee, I have a real problem with candidates going after him for things he said 30 to 40 years ago. Times were different back then, and people can—and should!—change. Let’s be honest: if you are over the age of 50 (no matter what your […]

Politically correct gone wild

Politically correct gone wild

Marty’s photo of the day #2897: I frequently rant about conservatives, but today I’m going to rant about liberals. Specifically that small segment of vocal liberals who are so whiny and so PC that they make me want to puke. Here are some examples: Not too long ago, I booked my client, Emmy nominee Naomi […]