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Baboons, minus the fu―

Baboons, minus the fu―

Marty’s photo of the day #4397: While backpacking across Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe, Deb and I stopped for an hour or so to watch a troop of chacma baboons. There was a lot of casual, unmarried fucking going on, but I’ve chosen a shot that doesn’t show that out of respect for any […]

Melissa Etheridge x 2

Melissa Etheridge x 2

Marty’s photos of the day #4124-4127: This week I’m taking a break from wildlife pictures to post some of my favorite concert photos. Today’s photos are from two separate Melissa Etheridge concerts. The first was outdoors, in 2017, at the KettleHouse Amphitheater in Bonner, MT (bottom two photos); the second was indoors, in 2019, at […]

The only white people around

The only white people around

Marty’s photo of the day #3624: When Deb and I traveled all seven continents, there were multiple times when we were the only white people around. In all such instances, the residents greeted us with smiles. While I can’t say it would change every Republican, I do think more would stop fearing/hating/resenting brown people if […]

Republican and turkeys

Republican and turkeys

Marty’s photo of the day #3542: How are turkeys like Republicans? Turkeys show off their feathers when they want to mate; Republicans show off their guns when they want to mate. Turkeys have trouble solving complex problems; Republicans have trouble solving simple math—like that 306 electoral votes is greater than 232 electoral votes. Turkeys will […]

F*ck, f*cking guns!

F*ck, f*cking guns!

Three people were shot at the Minnesota State Fair last night. Having lived much of my life in Minnesota, I’ve been to that fair many times. Never once did I think, “Oh, I wonder if there will be a shooting while I’m there?” But now, such a thought enters the minds of millions of Americans […]

Slow murders

Slow murders

Even though Joe Biden isn’t my first choice for the Democratic nominee, I have a real problem with candidates going after him for things he said 30 to 40 years ago. Times were different back then, and people can—and should!—change. Let’s be honest: if you are over the age of 50 (no matter what your […]

A different view of NYC

A different view of NYC

Marty’s photo of the day #2847: Because Republicans have never seen an education budget they didn’t want to cut (it’s much easier to fool uneducated voters), I don’t get hired to speak at colleges as often as I used to. I do, however, have some shows coming up: April 3 at South Dakota State University, […]

Trump and the GOP got their asses kicked

Trump and the GOP got their asses kicked

When you hear Donald Trump and the Republican Cult claim the Blue Wave didn’t happen, keep these figures in mind: Total Republican votes for House: 48,370,608 Total Democratic votes for House: 53,305,729 Total Republican votes for Senate: 34,260,424 Total Democratic votes for Senate: 47,886,605 Total Republican votes for Governor: 41,331,517 Total Democratic votes for Governor: […]