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3,000 miles without a bathroom

3,000 miles without a bathroom

Marty’s photo of the day #4732: Four years ago, this week, Donald Trump was busy fucking up the United States’ response to COVID-19, killing hundreds of thousands of people. All my in-person college speaking gigs were cancelled accept one: Eastern Arizona College. After the college assured me that everyone in the audience would be masked, […]

Selfish anti-vaxxers

Selfish anti-vaxxers

Marty’s photo of the day #3872: I took this photo several years ago, while on a college speaking tour. It is one of my favorite New York City shots. I post this today because I am putting together a beautiful East Coast speaking tour for Earth Week that will take me to New York, Pennsylvania, […]

Laying on paws

Laying on paws

Marty’s photo of the day #3826: I’m not allergic to anything, and I have never had a reaction to any shot—except the Moderna shot. Deb and I got our boosters on Wednesday, and we both had a reaction. For me, it was as if I had gone several rounds with a heavyweight boxer. I ached […]

Crazy-ass Montana

Crazy-ass Montana

Montana is a great place to live if you enjoy wilderness and wildlife, but it’s a scary place to live if you enjoy science and human rights. This is especially the case now that Republicans dominate the legislature and state-wide offices. Not to be outdone by Florida or Texas for crazy-ass shit, Montana is now […]

The Badlands

The Badlands

Marty’s photo of the day #3648: Deb and I just returned to Montana after a week-long trip to Minnesota for Deb’s father’s funeral. Milt Froehlich actually died back in January and caught COVID-19 while in the nursing home. He was too ornery to let COVID kill him, but after he recovered it was just time […]

Halestorm and Evanescence!

Halestorm and Evanescence!

Marty’s photo of the day #3603: In the marriage advice chapter of my latest book, Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer, I talk about how Deb and I have kept our 36-year marriage fresh by doing spontaneous things. Examples include suddenly deciding to travel to all seven-continents, moving to Montana […]

Nanga Sumpa

Nanga Sumpa

Marty’s photo of the day #3551: For anyone who has read my latest book, Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer, this is Nanga Sumpa, the Iban longhouse that Deb and I raced the flooding deep-canyon river to get to. In Borneo, entire tribes live in a single longhouse, and when […]

Author unmasked

Author unmasked

Marty’s photo(s) of the day #3408: I took these two self-portraits in the green room last night, moments before going on stage at Eastern Arizona College. As mentioned in my previous “Don’t Get COVID-19 and Die Tour” posts, this was the only in-person show I planned on performing during the pandemic (I’m performing lots of […]

The Great Stupidity Purge of 2020

The Great Stupidity Purge of 2020

Let’s call the COVID-19 pandemic what it is: The Great Stupidity Purge of 2020. A key trait of conservatism/Republicanism is that once a person believes something is true, no evidence whatsoever will convince that person to change his/her mind. Consequently, those initial months of Donald Trump treating COVID-19 as nothing more serious than the flu […]