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Republicans want socialized corporate loses

Republicans want socialized corporate loses

Republicans claim they don’t like socialism, but that’s a lie. What they want is privatized profits and socialized losses. Almost every American is going to be hurt financially by the COVID-19 shutdown. Nevertheless, it’s already quite obvious that it’s big corporations that will get the highest percentage of bailouts, not American citizens. The airline industry, […]

An anniversary in the rainforest

An anniversary in the rainforest

Marty’s photo of the day #3191: Being self-employed often means seldom taking a vacation. Before Deb and I traveled to all seven continents in four years, we had gone ten years without taking a vacation, other than occasional long-weekend backpacking trips. Even then, our seven continents of adventures were technically work, because I turned them […]

Just how loud is that?

Just how loud is that?

Having been a radio station DJ and a manager for rock bands, my ears took a beating—especially in my teens through mid-thirties. Now that I am um . . . a little older, I can still hear fine, except for, apparently, the distant sound of crickets. Consequently, I now try to balance my love of […]

Demonstrating social distance

Demonstrating social distance

Marty’s photo of the day #3190: This is my wife, Deb, north of the Arctic Circle, demonstrating social distance. Other than me behind the camera, there was likely no other person within fifty miles. The two of us were talking last night, and life during the COVID-19 pandemic won’t change much for us. We live […]

How life would be different with a single change to history

How life would be different with a single change to history

I love writing the Time Is Irreverent series of novels, because the characters allow me to demonstrate how things would be different with a single change to history. For instance, in the first novel time-traveling protagonists Marty Mann and Nellie Dixon show how life today would be different if Christianity hadn’t taken hold, and in […]

Digital camera blues

Digital camera blues

Marty’s photo of the day #3187: If I were able to go back in time and re-do my trips to all seven continents, the first thing I would do is buy a different camera for my Borneo adventure. I always travel with two cameras, and for a while I was updating one new camera each […]

Empty Venice

Empty Venice

Marty’s photo of the day #3186: I teleported over to Venice yesterday to take this photo. Well, not really, but I did go through my Venice photos, looking for ones without humans in them, and this one caught my attention. This is, apparently, what the city looks like now. It’s hard to imagine an entire […]



Marty’s photo of the day #3183: I’ve mentioned before that the 25 acres Deb and I own that surrounds our house is Moose-Central. Moose come here year around, and I’m often amazed at how effectively such a big animal can hide in the woods. In fact, we were hiking our property last week when I […]