Marty’s photo of the day #2280: Once again the Republican Jesus has taken over my photo of the day: “Hey suckers . . . I mean God-fearing patriotic gun-loving conservatives! Our great white leader, Donald Trump, needs your help. Because some libtards couldn’t handle the fact that many Nazis and white supremacists are ‘very fine […]
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Tag: Republican
Yes, let’s do remember who elected Trump
“I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists.” —David Duke, responding to Donald Trump’s call for unity Hmmm . . . While I don’t think standing up for civil rights, health care for all, and protecting the […]
Republicans, this sunset is for you!
Marty’s photo of the day #2270: Ever since Ronald Reagan ripped the solar panels off the White House, Republicans have been viciously fighting environmental regulations and denying global warming. This has resulted in more than 30 years of lost progress the United States could have made in solving our climate change crisis. Here in Montana, […]
They want to shoot you!
Sometimes I forget that being the most outspoken liberal in the ultra-conservative Bitterroot Valley of Montana puts me on the Republican’s Most Hated List. For years I have been getting into the face of conservatives via my guest columns in the Missoulian, Ravalli Republic, and Bitterroot Star newspapers. This has generated some hate mail and […]
Tropical Berg, Ronald F’ing Reagan
Marty’s photo of the day #2244: Today’s photo is dedicated to the 2,239 square mile iceberg that broke off of Antarctica earlier this week. Scientists have named the iceberg A68, but since global warming is melting Antarctica at an alarming rate, I suggest that we start naming giant icebergs after those who have contributed the […]
The Cult of Republicanism
A cult is a group of people that shuts out conflicting information and rejects facts in favor of an alternative reality. It’s time to call today’s Republican Party what it is: a cult. The Republican Party hasn’t always been a cult, but you can trace its conversion to one to the late 1980s and the […]
What Greg Gianforte meant by “full responsibility”
Republican Congressman-elect Greg “The Body Slammer” Gianforte (first breath): “I take full responsibility for my actions.” Republican Congressman-elect Greg “The Body Slammer” Gianforte (next breath): “As long as I don’t have to pose for a mug shot. That isn’t included in my responsibility. Mug shots are only for commoners. I’m a rich multimillionaire. People like […]
Sympathy for the Republican
As of today, Republicans have rescinded the longstanding policy of allowing the media to ask questions of coming and going senators in hallways at the Capitol. Now reporters must get permission from the Senate Rules Committee before asking a question. I could go on a rant about how this is just one more step toward […]
Republicans: What is your moral justification?
Hey, Republicans! A few of my Democratic friends have criticized me for being too hard on you. Being a liberal, one of the requirements I put on myself is to be open-minded. That being the case, here is your chance to tell me to shut up. For this discussion, let’s start with some basic facts: […]
No, I cannot find common ground with repugnant people
The other day a conservative Democrat passionately criticized me because of my snarky treatment of Republicans. Instead, he said, I would be more effective if I tried to find “common ground” with them. I thought about it—for about a second—and rejected the idea. Montana’s special election is a good example of why I reject such […]
Republican cult behavior
When my wife, Deb, ran for the Montana State Senate several years ago, I did exit polling to get a feel for whether or not she would win. It was a rainy day, so it was easy to bundle up and make sure no one would recognize me. When I counted just the people who […]
Greg Gianforte’s body slamming increased the Republican vote
Did Republican Greg Gianforte’s body slamming, punching, and choking a liberal reporter actually help his standing with Montana Republicans? I say yes, and here’s my proof: I live in Ravalli County, and on the front page of today’s Ravalli Republic is a story about how the last-minute voter turnout was much higher than expected due […]
No matter the vote count, the Republicans lose tonight’s election
Today, without a doubt, Montana has its most watched election in history. And since Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte chose to body slam, choke, and punch a reporter from the Guardian, a British newspaper, the election is now even huge international news. When I posted on this last night, I was surprise by how many […]
Yes, it’s better to be liberal than conservative
Sometimes I feel like we live in Opposite World. Time and time again Republicans use the word “conservative” like a badge of honor, while Democrats shy away from using the word “liberal.” I don’t know about you, but I would much rather be known as a liberal (which is someone who is broad-minded, tolerant, and […]
Why are Muslim killers worse than Christian killers?
On September 11, 2001, 2,996 people died as a result of a terrorist attack by 19 Muslims. On May 4, 2017, 217 Christian Republican congressmen and women cheered as they signed death warrants for numbers of people that will dwarf the numbers who died in 9/11. They even signed death warrants for people who haven’t […]
Greg Gianforte is a sadistic humanoid
Marty’s photo of the day #2065: Upon seeing this photo, a normal human being will likely say something like, “Awwww look at that cute ground squirrel!” But if you are Montana’s Republican candidate for US Congress, Greg Gianforte, you would say: “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?” […]
Martyman cleans up his act
Marty’s photo of the day #2146: If you remember where we left off yesterday, Martyman had taken a terrible fall and broken off both of his legs. Fortunately, years ago, I bought a backup body, should something ever happen to the original. As long as we were starting with a new Martyman body, I decided […]
Time for Republicans to take personal responsibility
Hey Republicans! Now that Donald Trump is doing everything in his power to roll back environmental regulations—just like he said he would before you voted for him—I hope you will take a moment to sit down with your children and/or grandchildren and explain to them that you take personal responsibility for shortening their lives. Depending […]
Republican Health Care Tunnel
Marty’s photo of the day #2119: Step right up folks. The new Republican health care plan is at the end of the tunnel. It’s the best. You’re gonna love it!
Trump and the Republicans are using Christianity to kill
Let’s see, so far the Trump and Republican agenda includes massively increasing our military spending (so they can kill more people), gutting the EPA and environmental regulations (so the rich can get richer, while killing more people), making it as difficult as possible for women to have an abortion (so those women can die the […]