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Metaphorically circling the GOP

Metaphorically circling the GOP

Marty’s photo of the day #2386: Readers of my by second book, “Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico,” will recognize this black vulture photo. Just think, eleven months from now millions of these will be metaphorically circling the Republican Party.

The Republican Party in a nutshell

The Republican Party in a nutshell

The Republican Party is a cult that preys on gullible people and gets them to vote against themselves. That’s why America doesn’t have universal health care, and why so many Republicans still believe that global warming is a hoax. Republican leaders built their cult by pretending to be good Christians and getting the far-right Christian […]

American gun death resurrections

American gun death resurrections

Soon Republicans and the NRA will agree to make it a bit harder to acquire bump stocks. Then they’ll puff out their chests, tell us all how much they care, and go on offering prayers for the victims of the next slaughter—and the next. If prayers were effective against America’s gun death epidemic, victims would […]

Hey “Christian” Republican voters!

Hey “Christian” Republican voters!

Hey “Christian” Republican voters! You refuse to vote for Democrats, due to your religious belief that they are baby killers, for not forcing pregnant women to give birth. Yet you are perfectly fine voting for Republicans, who are killing our planet with their anti-environment votes; who are obsessed with taking away health care; who look […]

Republicans: What will it take?

Republicans: What will it take?

Gun deaths, police violence, and global warming are epidemics, solvable with commitment, ingenuity, and cooperation. Unfortunately, as long as Republicans stand in the way, solutions to those problems will remain out of America’s grasp. With that in mind, I’d like to ask Republicans, “What will it take?” From 2000 to 2015, the equivalent to one-half […]

Beautiful ice or clean air?

Beautiful ice or clean air?

Marty’s photo of the day #2297: I can’t remember anytime during my life where the United States has been simultaneously hit in so many directions by environmental disasters (thank the Republicans for voting against the environment at a 95% clip). If you are in the southern US, you have one huge hurricane following another. If […]