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Trump’s strategy on impeachment

Trump’s strategy on impeachment

As near as I can tell, this is the Trump Administration’s strategy in a nutshell: 1) Block testimony and refuse to cooperate in any way with the House impeachment inquiry, forcing the Democrats to impeach based solely on obstruction. 2) When the Senate hearings start, Trump lawyers will then say, “The House Democrats were politically […]

Hey GOP! Karma is a bitch!

Hey GOP! Karma is a bitch!

When the shocking news arrived on Election Night 2016 that Donald Trump won the Electoral College, my wife and I struggled to find something positive about the tragedy. In the end, we both agreed that what happened might be better for the Democrats and Planet Earth in the long-run. Had Hillary Clinton become president, the […]

Think pleasant thoughts

Think pleasant thoughts

Marty’s photo of the day #2946: When you think of the Arctic, the first thing that pops into your mind is most likely “cold.” Well, that was until Republicans started their 40 years-and-counting War On The Environment. Now you might think of human-induced melting polar ice, oil spills, and starving polar bears (thanks Ronald Reagan!). […]

The intrepid wife

The intrepid wife

Marty’s photo of the day #2912: When my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, came out, and national reviewers read about Deb’s and my adventures racing a flash flood in Borneo, swimming with piranhas in the Amazon Rainforest, and surviving a hippo attack in Zimbabwe, they all settled on a common […]

Don’t Cry Mr. Trump Head

Don’t Cry Mr. Trump Head

When I woke up this morning Martyman and Mr. Trump Head were missing. I thought for sure that Martyman had taken Mr. Trump Head outside for some sick joke, like placing him under the tree where the wild turkeys roost each night. Then I heard this high pitched whine coming out of the bathroom. I […]

The slow mass murderer

The slow mass murderer

Hey Republicans! Did you see that your cult leader, Donald “The Slow Mass Murderer” Trump is trying to roll back yet another Obama-era environmental regulation? This time his administration is proposing to loosen the regulation on mercury, since it’s “too expensive to industry.” Yes, the man you voted for, because his stance against abortion allowed […]

How do you see this photo?

How do you see this photo?

Marty’s photo of the day #2709: Today is going to be a day of celebration. We can finally resist Trump with real teeth! At the same time, the election was bittersweet, with key races across the country going to the Republicans. Here in Montana, Greg “The Body Slammer” Gianforte has defeated Kathleen Williams for the […]