As near as I can tell, this is the Trump Administration’s strategy in a nutshell: 1) Block testimony and refuse to cooperate in any way with the House impeachment inquiry, forcing the Democrats to impeach based solely on obstruction. 2) When the Senate hearings start, Trump lawyers will then say, “The House Democrats were politically […]
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Tag: Republican
Hey GOP! Karma is a bitch!
When the shocking news arrived on Election Night 2016 that Donald Trump won the Electoral College, my wife and I struggled to find something positive about the tragedy. In the end, we both agreed that what happened might be better for the Democrats and Planet Earth in the long-run. Had Hillary Clinton become president, the […]
Being sensitive to poor little Mitch McConnell
Republican Senator Mitch McConnell has been making the rounds on conservative media, snowflaking about how mean it is that liberals are calling him “Moscow Mitch.” I’ve carefully considered the senator’s sensitivity to the nickname, and in the spirit of treating him as fairly as he has treated others, I wish to say just one thing: […]
About that Greenland purchase . . .
The untold story behind Donald Trump and his temper tantrum about not being able to buy Greenland is the insatiable greed behind it. Republicans have found a way to twist global warming into a good thing. They love it that the melting ice at the poles will open up more land for oil and mineral […]
Stop treating the Second Amendment like the Bible!
It’s time to stop treating the Second Amendment like the Bible, where leaders conveniently interpret it to match their political viewpoint. The United States has endured two major mass shootings in 24 hours, and neither shooter was a member of a “well-regulated militia.” Republicans, conservative Christians, and Donald Trump all claim to be pro-life, but […]
President KKKlueless and the conspiracy of the day
“See, I don’t think that the mainstream media is free speech either because it’s so crooked. It’s so dishonest. So to me, free speech is not when you see something good and then you purposely write bad. To me, that’s very dangerous speech, and you become angry at it. But that’s not free speech.”\—Führer Trump […]
Think pleasant thoughts
Marty’s photo of the day #2946: When you think of the Arctic, the first thing that pops into your mind is most likely “cold.” Well, that was until Republicans started their 40 years-and-counting War On The Environment. Now you might think of human-induced melting polar ice, oil spills, and starving polar bears (thanks Ronald Reagan!). […]
The intrepid wife
Marty’s photo of the day #2912: When my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, came out, and national reviewers read about Deb’s and my adventures racing a flash flood in Borneo, swimming with piranhas in the Amazon Rainforest, and surviving a hippo attack in Zimbabwe, they all settled on a common […]
Don’t Cry Mr. Trump Head
When I woke up this morning Martyman and Mr. Trump Head were missing. I thought for sure that Martyman had taken Mr. Trump Head outside for some sick joke, like placing him under the tree where the wild turkeys roost each night. Then I heard this high pitched whine coming out of the bathroom. I […]
My train of thought on the abortion ban sex strike
My train of thought: When I first learned that actress Alyssa Milano was calling for a sex strike to protest the strict abortion bans passed by Republican-controlled legislatures, I thought, “Hey, great idea!” Then I thought: Such a strike would only affect liberal men like me, who respect a woman’s right to make choices for […]
Dear World: Sorry, but we’re no longer . . .
Dear World: When I was in grade school, my teachers taught me that we here in the United States were the “good guys,” and I believed them. Now, as a freethinking adult, I know that’s not the case—at least not now. In fact, under acting-president Trump and his cult of deplorables, we’ve quite literally become […]
Vote out the führer. Don’t impeach!
Yesterday Führer Trump tweeted: “I wonder if the New York Times will apologize to me a second time, as they did after the 2016 Election. But this one will have to be a far bigger & better apology. On this one they will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness-they are […]
Earth Day photo for Republicans
Marty’s photo of the day #2870: Today is Earth Day, and if you’re a Republican, I know this is a miserable day for you. Why would anyone want to talk about saving the planet for future generations, when nothing is more important than the money you are making right now? Fuck your children and grandchildren, […]
Just how selfish are Republicans?
Just how selfish are Republicans and their conservative Christian base? When liberal Democrats talk about the Green New Deal as a way to save our planet and make life better for our children and grandchildren, Republicans on Fox News, AM-hate radio, and the internet answer by spewing fear that the Green New Deal will prevent […]
The Republican love affair with DDT
Marty’s photo of the day #2838: I have a relative who is everything Donald Trump. Arguing with her is fruitless, but you would think some right-wing conspiracy theories would be so obviously wrong that even right-wingers could see it. One of the conspiracy theories she argues for is that Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring” was […]
How the GOP protects the Trump crime family
After watching Michael Cohen’s testimony I now realize why Trump has surrounded himself with so many criminals. Or is that “the best people”? According to Republican Congressman Jim Jordan, no testimony against Trump is believable if it comes from a person, like Cohen, who has committed a crime. So from the Republican point of view, […]
Winter should behave like winter
Marty’s photo of the day #2765: Having grown up in Minnesota, I enjoy the cold and snow of winter. Now that I live in Montana, all I ask of winter is that it behave like winter and stay below 32 degrees. But, thanks in large part to more than 30 years of Republican obstruction and […]
The slow mass murderer
Hey Republicans! Did you see that your cult leader, Donald “The Slow Mass Murderer” Trump is trying to roll back yet another Obama-era environmental regulation? This time his administration is proposing to loosen the regulation on mercury, since it’s “too expensive to industry.” Yes, the man you voted for, because his stance against abortion allowed […]
Back to normal in the good old USA!
I woke up thinking, now that all the election craziness is over, it will be nice to get back to normal for a while. I went on my morning bike ride, settled into my writing room, booted up my laptop, checked my emails, checked my overnight book sales, and maneuvered over to Huff Post. Greeting […]
How do you see this photo?
Marty’s photo of the day #2709: Today is going to be a day of celebration. We can finally resist Trump with real teeth! At the same time, the election was bittersweet, with key races across the country going to the Republicans. Here in Montana, Greg “The Body Slammer” Gianforte has defeated Kathleen Williams for the […]