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He is risen!

He is risen!

Marty’s photo of the day #4535: He is risen! Formerly known as the Republican Jesus, the resurrected Trump Jesus isn’t just for worthless prayers after school shootings anymore, he’s also there whenever you need him to justify a minority group to hate. Just pick a group and despise them in Trump Jesus’s name, and it […]

The glowing Mr. Trump Head

The glowing Mr. Trump Head

Marty’s photo of the day #3657: Mr. Trump Head, The Republican Jesus, Martyman and his dog, Professor Leakey, all live on the deep windowsill above our kitchen sink. The other day, my wife, Deb, called me into the kitchen, laughing. At this time of year, for just a few minutes, the rising sun hits Mr. […]

Guest post from the Republican Jesus

Guest post from the Republican Jesus

Marty’s photo of the day #2391: Because of my frequent liberal posts, I have agreed to be fair to the other side and let the Republican Jesus have today’s post: “Hello Alabamans! Republican Jesus here. Thirteen months ago people just like you helped elect Donald Trump, a man who bragged about grabbing pussy without permission […]