Marty’s photo of the day #4602: Whenever Republicans take control, they want to head north and “Drill baby, drill.” Therefore, this is my frequent reminder that the Arctic is not the “bunch of nothing” they claim it is. This is a close-up of tundra, north of the Arctic Circle.
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Tag: Republican
Republicans and their cruelty feature
Marty’s photo of the day #4734: Yesterday, I read a story about Republican Governor Kristi Noem shooting Cricket, her 14-month-old wirehaired pointer, claiming she was “less than worthless” as a hunting dog. It reminds me of another almost certain Republican, Cody Roberts, who made national news a few weeks ago for chasing down a wolf […]
Go get ’em Stormy!
Marty’s photo of the day #4731: I shot this photo of Bill Clinton back in 2008, and it reminds me of how hypocritical Republicans and a little over half of the Christians in the United States are. In 1998, those people were salivating to impeach Clinton for an affair he had with a consenting adult. […]
Virtual arguments with my dead father
Marty’s photo of the day #4595: My dad, Paul W. Essen, died twelve years ago this week. As anyone who has read my book Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer knows, my father was a born again Christian to the extreme. In fact, he even believed his god wanted him […]
Nellie takes over
Marty’s photo of the day #4503: “Woof everyone! Nellie here. Dad is busy packing, so I’m taking over his post today. Mom and Dad were going to take me all the way to the top of Canada, but that trip got canceled because huge forest fires are blocking our way. Apparently these fires are burning […]
The Porcupine caribou migration
Marty’s photo of the day #4491: This is a tiny section of the Porcupine caribou migration, the longest terrestrial migration of any animal on Earth. I shot this photo in 2002, while traveling for my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents. This spot is in Canada’s Northwest Territories, which, unfortunately, is […]
Evolution and regression in Florida
Marty’s photo of the day #4382: Alligators have remained virtually untouched by evolution for more than 8 million years, which is something that is, obviously, unimpressive to Ron DeSantis, Florida’s Republican Party, and more than half of the state’s voting population. For they have perfected the art of regressing an entire society to where not […]
Christian cruelty in Montana
Marty’s photo of the day #4367: So this past Sunday Deb and I attempted to watch the popular Montana-based drama series “1923.” We didn’t quite make it to the end of the first episode before we both said, “Fuck it. This is too depressing. Let’s watch ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel!’” What got to me in […]
Selfishness on the prairie
Marty’s photo of the day #4235: This shot is from last September, during Deb’s, Nellie’s, and my second weeklong stay in the American Prairie of central Montana. Before I moved to Montana, in 1996, I had no opinion of ranchers, but since then ranchers have convinced me that they are among the most selfish people […]
Amazing tundra plant life
Marty’s photo of the day #4194: This is an extreme close-up of the amazing tundra plant life in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Or, as Republican oil company sycophants call it, “A bunch of nothing.”
Joan Jett at the USANA Amphitheater
Marty’s photo of the day #4128: This week I’m taking a break from wildlife photos to post some of my favorite concert pictures. I have been a Joan Jett fan since I was the only kid in my high school with all The Runaways albums, and back when I was a partner in my first […]
The sad state of the Great Salt Lake
Marty’s photo of the day #4097: Today I’m going to rip Republicans a new one. Deb and I have visited Antelope Island, located a little outside of Salt Lake City, twice. Both visits were in conjunction with concerts. The first was in late August 2016, as an add-on adventure after seeing Joan Jett; the second […]
Beavers vs. Fire
Marty’s photo of the day #4056: Last week Deb (wife), Nellie (dog), and I went on a three-day backpacking trip to May Creek Cabin, which is a U.S. Forest Service rental cabin in the Anaconda Mountain Range of southwestern Montana. If you look closely at this photo, you will see May Creek Cabin in a […]
Chicken-shit cops and a happy owl
Marty’s photo of the day #3992: This has been a depressing week for much of America. First, due to the enabling legislation of Republicans, an 18 year-old was able to shoot up Robb Elementary School with two easily purchased assault rifles, killing 19 children and 2 adults. Then we learned that 20 chicken-shit cops (pigs, […]
Elephant kindness
Marty’s photo of the day #3905: A little elephant kindness at the waterhole. Republicans could learn so much if they actually paid attention to their own mascot. Photographed in Zimbabwe.
Anti-vaxxers vs Musical Bliss
Many months ago, I bought tickets for Deb and me to attend the Halestorm and Evanescence concert in Portland, Oregon on November 5th. Finally, we could enjoy live music again! Then Republican anti-vaxxers ruined it for the rest of us by spreading the Trump/delta variant. Sure Deb and I are vaccinated, but breakthrough cases happen, […]
Crazy-ass Montana
Montana is a great place to live if you enjoy wilderness and wildlife, but it’s a scary place to live if you enjoy science and human rights. This is especially the case now that Republicans dominate the legislature and state-wide offices. Not to be outdone by Florida or Texas for crazy-ass shit, Montana is now […]
From the other side of the fence
Marty’s photo of the day #3652: I took this photo while hiking in the rainforest of Malaysian Borneo. At the time, George W. Bush and the Republicans had led America into attacking Iraq without provocation, and only days earlier U.S. soldiers had ripped down Saddam Hussein’s statue. Back home, right-wingers were all over the media, […]
GQP hot air
Marty’s photo of the day #3649: If Republicans had balls, even one-billionth the size of these, we’d be well on our way to solving the global warming crisis and Donald Trump wouldn’t be starting up his white supremacist rallies again. So just remember: no matter what form the hot air comes in this summer, it’s […]
Orangutans vs Republicans
Marty’s photo of the day #3610: While on the island of Borneo, I watched two baby orangutans comfort each other, when they wandered too far from the orangutan rehabilitation facility and became lost in the dark. Meanwhile, in Montana, our Republican governor and legislature have passed bills taking away women’s rights, taking away trans rights, […]