Marty’s photo of the day #4464: This was one of the first campsites on Deb’s and my epic trip to the top of Canada for my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents. Ever since, Deb and I have hoped to redo that 5,572 mile-long adventure. We were going to do it […]
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Tag: Nellie
Marty’s photo of the day #4462: Deb and I have a long-standing tradition of “porching” each night before bed. In the summer, we porch on our actual porch, and in the winter, we porch on our great room couch. Porching involves having a drink (with or without alcohol) and discussing the day’s events. Nellie, of […]
Three hundred words for squirrel
Marty’s photo of the day #4448: Over the years, Deb and I have played many hundreds of games of Scrabble, and through all those games, we’re pretty much dead-even in wins and losses. Summer means the outdoor season, played weekends on the porch. Lately, I’ve been on a winning streak, but it really hasn’t been […]
Aggressive momma ungulates
Marty’s photo of the day #4445: After 27 years of protecting our forested land as the Essen Wildlife Refuge, I really believe the animals have figured out that they are safer here than elsewhere. As proof, both the number of animals living around us and the variety of species are off-the-charts. Consequently, this summer’s theme […]
Dog on self-pilot
Marty’s photo of the day #4442: Deb and I took our dog, Nellie, on a hike up the Fred Burr Creek Trail this morning. About half the time Nellie had to be on a leash, and Deb and I took turns “driving her.” The rest of the time Nellie got to “self-pilot.” Whether she was […]
Repeating the adventure
Marty’s photo of the day #4440: For the North American continent adventure in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, Deb and I and our two dogs drove from Montana all the way to the top of Canada and back. That drive was longer than driving from Los Angeles to New […]
Dad! What do I do with this thing?
Marty’s photo of the day #4428: “Dad! What do I do with this thing? I can’t chase it, like a squirrel, but I can’t really play with it, like a dog, either.” In my book, Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer, I have a story about Buddy, a cantankerous Saint […]
Nellie’s playpen
Marty’s photo of the day #4416: Deb and I built our house in the mountains of Montana back in 1996. Deb designed it, with a little input from me here and there. All these years later we still love our house, and even though it’s more than quadrupled in value, we wouldn’t sell it for […]
Porcupine caribou migration 2X magic?
Marty’s photo of the day #4406: It’s been 21 years since Deb’s and my epic trip to the top of Canada, which was featured in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents. The drive from Montana is longer than driving from New York City to Los Angeles and back. This photo […]
The killer chipmunk
Marty’s photo of the day #4399: Nelle: “Don’t just stand there laughing at me, Dad. I’ve herded the killer chipmunk between the big boobs. All you have to do is scare it from the opposite side, and I’ll catch it. Then―finally―our property will be secure!”
Dogs and tools
Marty’s photos of the day #4395-4396: I tend to frown at stick-up-their-ass people who refuse to give animals the credit they deserve for both emotions and intelligence. And when I read articles about animals using tools, dogs are never included. One such article claimed, “In some cases, the objects are merely toys—but they become tools […]
Everything was cool until . . .
Marty’s photos of the day #4383-4385: These photos are from Deb’s, Nellie’s, and my adventure last night. As we do every evening, we walked the path that follows the perimeter of the Essen Wildlife Refuge. We were on the far side, when this moose burst through the trees and cut onto the path―just in front […]
My honey comes home today!
Marty’s photo of the day #4379: My honey comes home today! Deb and I have been married for thirty-eight years (I was five and she was eight on our wedding day), and since we’re both self-employed we are around each other all the time. Yeah, there are times when some little quirk bothers one or […]
Bachelor efficiency
Marty’s photo of the day #4369: My wife, Deb, and I have been apart for more than two weeks before, but it was always because I was on a college speaking tour. This time, for the first time, we are apart for two weeks, because she is the one on a speaking tour. I haven’t […]
Greetings from Cortland, NY
Marty’s photo of the day #4353: Greetings from Cortland, New York! Tonight I perform the last show of my Northeastern United States Tour, at the State University of New York Cortland (SUNY Cortland). The last show of a tour always gives me mixed feelings: I’m sad that the tour will soon be over, but excited […]
Surrounded by wolves!
Marty’s photo of the day #4306: Now that I have my brand new Ford Maverick truck, Deb, Nellie, and I are planning to head into far north Canada this fall. I took this photo the last time Deb and I made the trip. This is the 362-mile-long Campbell Highway, a gravel road that crosses the […]
The brunch show
Marty’s photos of the day #4279-4781: Today, I’m featuring three pictures from my weekend in Chattanooga, Tennessee: 1. This morning I performed Around the World in 50 Minutes for the Parent’s Weekend Brunch at Southern Adventist University. Meal shows are usually death. For those of you who have watched the Amazon Prime series, The Marvelous […]
Come play with the puppy!
Marty’s photo of the day #4275: Nellie hurt her left rear leg late last summer. We had the vet look at it, but she couldn’t figure out the problem without sedating Nellie for an X-ray. The injury doesn’t appear to be serious, as the only time it’s noticeable is when she gets up from a […]
Nellie takes over
Marty’s photo of the day #4266: Hey! It’s me, Nellie, taking over Dad’s morning post. I’ve been looking at the photos of the day Dad has been posting lately—residents of the Essen Wildlife Refuge, exotic animals from all over the world, and even a dog who lived at my house before me who could jump […]
Baby moose on the way!
Marty’s photos of the day #4259-4262: We could have a baby moose at the Essen Wildlife Refuge this spring! Every morning my dog, Nellie, enters my writing room and stares at me until I take her outside to play. Yesterday morning we followed our usual routine. In addition to playing ball, Nellie thoroughly sniffs and […]