Marty’s photo of the day #4445: After 27 years of protecting our forested land as the Essen Wildlife Refuge, I really believe the animals have figured out that they are safer here than elsewhere. As proof, both the number of animals living around us and the variety of species are off-the-charts.

Consequently, this summer’s theme seems to be aggressive momma ungulates. It started with Deb (wife), Nellie (dog), and me being charged by a momma moose and more recently Nellie being chased twice by deer. Nellie is good about listening to me when we are around wild animals. And if she does chase, it’s only for a short distance to maintain her bubble of “Nellie’s Protected Territory.”

Nevertheless, Nellie and I were out walking our land a few weeks ago when she saw a deer. She bolted for a short distance and turned on a dime when I shouted for her to come back—with a deer right on her tail!

Then, two nights ago, the three of us were enjoying the evening on the front porch, watching a mother deer with the cutest little fawn dancing around her. When it was time for bed, I scanned the woods to make sure the deer had moved on and let Nellie off the porch for her before-bed-pee. I glanced away for a second, and when I looked up Nellie was running. I yelled for her, and she hightailed it for the house—with the mother deer right on her heels!

The deer chased her right up to the porch, and when Nellie climbed the steps to me, I thought the deer was going to come up the steps too! And I must say: the deer was a big girl! While only a few feet away, the deer stood there for a moment, making eye-contact with me. Then she moved a little ways away and huffed at us before returning to her baby. I’ve never before seen such a brave deer.

The next morning, Nellie was a little more cautious as we walked into the woods: “Dad, there are huge deer in here. And they’ll chase you! I’m fast enough to get away, but you don’t stand a chance.”

Today’s photo: Nellie on alert.