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Greetings From Miami

Greetings From Miami

Marty’s photo of the day #4477: Greetings from Miami! Yesterday, Deb and I started our two-day trip to the island of Bonaire to celebrate our 40th anniversary. We flew from Missoula to Dallas to Miami. In Miami, we had a 12-hour layover, so we stayed in a hotel at the airport. Hopefully, our luggage spent […]

3,000 miles without a bathroom

3,000 miles without a bathroom

Marty’s photo of the day #4732: Four years ago, this week, Donald Trump was busy fucking up the United States’ response to COVID-19, killing hundreds of thousands of people. All my in-person college speaking gigs were cancelled accept one: Eastern Arizona College. After the college assured me that everyone in the audience would be masked, […]

Go get ’em Stormy!

Go get ’em Stormy!

Marty’s photo of the day #4731: I shot this photo of Bill Clinton back in 2008, and it reminds me of how hypocritical Republicans and a little over half of the Christians in the United States are. In 1998, those people were salivating to impeach Clinton for an affair he had with a consenting adult. […]

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb . . .

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb . . .

Marty’s photo of the day #4730: I don’t know if I’ll be successful for the entire week, but I have been going through the photo files on my computer, trying to find pictures to post that fit the theme of the first of many criminal trials of the Great-Christian-White-Nationalist-Ordained-By-God-Persecuted-Like-Jesus Donald Fucking Trump. I shot this […]

Once Christians can set aside Jesus’s disdain for money . . .

Once Christians can set aside Jesus’s disdain for money . . .

Marty’s photo of the day #4609: Once Christians can set aside Jesus’s disdain for money as depicted in the Bible, the rest is easy to accept: The enormously wealthy Catholic Church declaring individual bankruptcies to avoid paying court-ordered penalties for child sexual abuse, mega churches and televangelists shoveling in the money while virtually ignoring the […]

Baboons, minus the fu―

Baboons, minus the fu―

Marty’s photo of the day #4397: While backpacking across Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe, Deb and I stopped for an hour or so to watch a troop of chacma baboons. There was a lot of casual, unmarried fucking going on, but I’ve chosen a shot that doesn’t show that out of respect for any […]

Dogs and tools

Dogs and tools

Marty’s photos of the day #4395-4396: I tend to frown at stick-up-their-ass people who refuse to give animals the credit they deserve for both emotions and intelligence. And when I read articles about animals using tools, dogs are never included. One such article claimed, “In some cases, the objects are merely toys—but they become tools […]

The true test of character

The true test of character

Marty’s photo of the day #4204: Some people say religion makes a person good. That’s bullshit. Practically without exception, the most awful people I know—and know of—are the most religious. No, the true test of a person’s character is how they treat their dogs (or cats, if they swing that way). Yeah, I’m not guided […]

Killdeer and the pandemic

Killdeer and the pandemic

Marty’s photo of the day #3919: I photographed this killdeer on June 20, 2020. Deb and I had rented the Hogan Cabin that weekend, which is a Forest Service cabin in western Montana. Other than the birds and the mountain flowers, what I remember most about our visit was that it was our first time […]

GQP hot air

GQP hot air

Marty’s photo of the day #3649: If Republicans had balls, even one-billionth the size of these, we’d be well on our way to solving the global warming crisis and Donald Trump wouldn’t be starting up his white supremacist rallies again. So just remember: no matter what form the hot air comes in this summer, it’s […]

Republican bigots

Republican bigots

Here’s how we know Republicans are bigots: Barack Obama wore a tan suit—just like white president, Ronald Reagan—and Republicans turned it into days of ridicule. “There’s no way, I don’t think, any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday. I mean, you have the world watching.”—Peter King, Republican Representative, NY Michelle Obama showed […]