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F*ck, f*cking guns!

F*ck, f*cking guns!

Three people were shot at the Minnesota State Fair last night. Having lived much of my life in Minnesota, I’ve been to that fair many times. Never once did I think, “Oh, I wonder if there will be a shooting while I’m there?” But now, such a thought enters the minds of millions of Americans […]

Watching platypuses

Watching platypuses

Marty’s photo of the day #2983: This morning I realized that I hadn’t posted a photo from Australia for a while, and as I was flipping through my shots, I spotted this somewhat artsy one of Deb sitting along the river. But why was she there? It took me a moment before I remembered: she […]

The Aussie Fangs-O-Death

The Aussie Fangs-O-Death

Marty’s photo of the day #2937: Marty: “Look. It’s an Aussie fangs-o-death!” Deb: “Wow! She’s almost as big as my hand.” Marty: “Great idea! Put your hand behind her for size-comparison.” Deb: “Like this?” Marty: “No. Closer.” Deb: “Like this?” Marty: “Still not close enough.” Deb: (takes a deep breath) “How’s this?” Marty: (smirks) “Just […]

Animals A to Z. The Letter U

Animals A to Z. The Letter U

Marty’s photo of the day #2632: It’s “Animals A thru Z Month.” Each day in August, I will post an animal I’ve photographed—somewhere in the world—in alphabetical order. U is for Union Jack. I photographed this beautiful union jack butterfly while walking along the coast of northern Queensland.

Animals A to Z. The Letter M

Animals A to Z. The Letter M

Marty’s photo of the day #2624: It’s “Animals A thru Z Month.” Each day in August, I will post an animal I’ve photographed—somewhere in the world—in alphabetical order. M is for Mudskipper. Mudskippers are a fish that spends more time out of water than in it. They breathe on land by absorbing oxygen through their […]

Animals A to Z. The Letter B

Animals A to Z. The Letter B

Marty’s photo of the day #2613: It’s “Animals A thru Z Month.” Each day in August, I will post an animal I’ve photographed—somewhere in the world—in alphabetical order. B is for Boyd’s Forest Dragon. If Boyd’s forest dragons could sing, every punk rock band would want one for its lead singer. I photographed this lizard […]

Don’t trust that laugh!

Don’t trust that laugh!

Marty’s photo of the day #2535: Here’s what I wrote about laughing kookaburras in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents: Though not as stunning as the kingfishers or cockatoos, laughing kookaburras are handsome gray and white birds with a very famous call: Oo-oo-oo-aw-aw-aw-oo-oo-oo-aw-aw-aw. When motion picture soundtracks were in their […]

Thoughts and prayers

Thoughts and prayers

Thoughts and Prayers: Thought: If the United States truly is the greatest country in the world, it must flip-off the NRA and the ammosexuals and follow Australia’s lead with respect to guns. Prayer: Hey, God. You’ve chosen to ignore the millions of prayers to stop senseless mass shootings, and you haven’t resurrected even a single […]