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Concerts, concerts, concerts!

Concerts, concerts, concerts!

Marty’s photo of the day #2974: This is Deb and me at the KettleHouse Amphitheater, before last night’s Berlin, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD), and B-52s concert. Although I prefer solo headline shows—because the bands go deeper into their music, play longer, and tend to interact more personally with their audience—Deb and I have […]

The wind in your ears

The wind in your ears

Marty’s photo of the day #2973: This is Annie—the best dog I’ve ever had—in a photo I took more than fifteen years ago. Deb and I had climbed to the top of a mountain in southern Montana, while Annie climbed it multiple times, saying, “Come on! Come on!” The view at the top was stunning […]

Post hippo-attack

Post hippo-attack

Marty’s photo of the day #2949: When Deb and I were canoeing down the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, a hippo bit through our canoe, lifted us high into the air and threw us onto a muddy riverbank. Not many people survive a hippo attack, but we did—and it was a hell of a ride. You […]

Peacock blues

Peacock blues

Marty’s photo of the day #2943: Each summer I move my office onto the front porch. Yesterday, I was busy there working on a project, when the caw of our resident peacock pierced the music I had playing. I looked up, and the peacock was 100 feet away, directly in front of the house. The […]

Our Secret Spot

Our Secret Spot

Marty’s photo of the day #2941: Deb and I moved to Montana in 1996, partly because we enjoyed being able to hike almost anywhere and not see a single person. That’s changed over the years—especially in the summer—and now it’s difficult to find a trailhead parking lot without numerous cars. Fortunately, many years ago Deb […]

Bats in the farmhouse

Bats in the farmhouse

Marty’s photo of the day #2922: I took this photo in an abandoned farmhouse in the Costa Rican rainforest. This brief excerpt from my second book, Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico, details the shot: Entering the large, dark back room was intense. When I shined […]

The feet tell the story

The feet tell the story

Marty’s photo of the day #2846: Why am I posting a photo of Deb’s and my feet? If you’ve read my first book, “Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents,” you know. We were only the third outsiders to ever hike deep into a section of Borneo’s rainforest. We lost our guide halfway through […]

Unicorns in the Bible

Unicorns in the Bible

Are unicorns in the Bible? Because I grew up with a conservative evangelical Christian father, I learned the Bible quite well—though not the passages he wanted me to learn. Instead, I learned passages that contradicted his passages, or at least his interpretation of them. Now, as an adult who writes satirical novels that include Jesus […]

Grizzly vs. Bison

Grizzly vs. Bison

Marty’s photo of the day #2824: Who knew that grizzly bears were terrified of bison? Deb and I watched this mother and her cubs climb down a mountainside and cross a wide field. Suddenly the mother stopped, stood tall, sniffed, and quickly led her cubs in another direction. Moments later, a huge bison came into […]