Since the rise of Donald Trump, numerous liberal friends have disapproved of my treatment of those in the Trump Cult. While I treat Trumpers with snark, those friends feel that a better way to deal with such people his through friendly conversations and reasoning. Now that we are into year four of the Trump Cult, […]
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Category: General Rants
Believing Biden does not make you a hypocrite
I’m tired of right-wingers accusing liberals of hypocrisy if they believe Joe Biden, not Tara Reade. I believe women’s sexual assault claims should be heard and respected. In fact, I even believe that the vast majority of the time it’s the women who are telling the truth, not the men. That said, there are times […]
Patriot or terrorist? It all depends on skin color.
Marty’s photo of the day #3239: This is how right-wingers saw themselves when they did their cosplay stunt at the Michigan Capitol on Thursday. Oh, wait! Wrong photo. These men have brown skin, so it can’t be cosplay. Let me look it up in the Right-Wing Rule Book (Fox News Edition). Okay, here it is: […]
Do I use the word “fucking” too much?
Sometimes I wonder if I use the word “fucking” too much in my posts. I don’t fucking think so, but what the fuck, I probably should fucking ask: Do you think I use fucking too fucking much? I mean, it’s a fucking good word with no fucking reason to be offended by it. Even evangelicals […]
Donald Trump Kills Puppies!
DONALD TRUMP KILLS PUPPIES! Now that Trump has ordered that his name be printed on the COVID-19 stimulus checks, those checks will be delayed to millions of people who need them now. This is the big news of the day. No one is surprised by Trump’s narcissistic move and, of course, his administration will lie […]
The difference between liberal thinking and conservative thinking
Here’s a perfect example of what is so fucking wrong with conservative Republicans: Millions of them are terrified that some poor person will get some government benefit that they don’t deserve. Such talk is standard on Fox News. Yet Judy Kudlow, the wife of Donald Trump’s top economic advisor Larry Kudlow, very publicly applied for […]
Why Trump really wants to kill the U.S. Postal Service
For years Republicans have failed to support the U.S. Postal Service, but it always felt like a game of chicken, where the GOP would eventually back down and give the Postal Service what it needed. If the Postal Service shut down, thousands of businesses that bill their clients through the mail would go out of […]
The silver lining to the Wisconsin GOP’s murderous election
If you’ve been following what is happening in Wisconsin, you know that the Wisconsin GOP, backed by the Republican-controlled U.S. Supreme Court, prevented the delay of today’s state election. The reason the Republicans want the election today is because a conservative judge on the ballot needs a low voter turnout to get elected. So Republicans […]
We must remember the role the Christian-Right played
After right-wing Christians elected Donald Trump, he promptly pulled America out of the Paris Agreement and gutted our country’s environmental laws, setting himself up to become the most prolific slow-killer of all-time. Trump will also be responsible for thousands of COVID-19 deaths because he put his ego and greed over the lives of his constituents. […]
No, God doesn’t get the credit when COVID-19 is defeated
This morning, I read an AP article about Donald Trump’s business and spiritual advisers pushing him to declare everything hunky dory with COVID-19 in time for Easter. God forbid that American church leaders and evangelists miss out on one of their biggest paydays of the year! Trump evangelical adviser, Johnnie Moore, even went as far […]
Behind the screen
Marty’s photo of the day #3202: I call this photo from the Amazon Rainforest of Peru “Behind the Screen.” This morning as I scrolled through my photos, deciding what to post, it struck me as a metaphor for what is happening here in the United States, where Trump and his wealthy corporate advisers are pushing […]
Corporations must go to the end of the line!
In the past, when renewable energy companies asked for help, Republicans screamed, “Free market! We can’t pick and choose the winners!” Yet now, when airlines, hotels, and other corporations in their stock portfolio ask for help, Republicans proclaim, “Yes! If we don’t help them, the cure will be worse than the problem!” Congress and the […]
Thank you Bernie! Now it’s time to go.
I thank Bernie Sanders for all he has done to bring awareness to so many important issues. I also thank him for successfully pushing the Democratic Party leftward to more liberal thinking. Now I look forward to thanking him for gracefully dropping out of the Democratic primary within the next few days (COVID-19 makes his […]
Republicans want socialized corporate loses
Republicans claim they don’t like socialism, but that’s a lie. What they want is privatized profits and socialized losses. Almost every American is going to be hurt financially by the COVID-19 shutdown. Nevertheless, it’s already quite obvious that it’s big corporations that will get the highest percentage of bailouts, not American citizens. The airline industry, […]
If Trump’s National Day of prayer doesn’t work, then . . .
To fight COVID-19 and appease his evangelical followers, Donald Trump has declared today a “National Day of Prayer.” That’s fine—as long as the rules regarding the results are consistent. If COVID-19 suddenly stops in America, Trump’s right-wing Christian followers will rightfully claim that prayer works and God swooped in to help. On the other hand, […]
How life would be different with a single change to history
I love writing the Time Is Irreverent series of novels, because the characters allow me to demonstrate how things would be different with a single change to history. For instance, in the first novel time-traveling protagonists Marty Mann and Nellie Dixon show how life today would be different if Christianity hadn’t taken hold, and in […]
Joe Biden’s speech and the ugly theory
Did you see Joe Biden’s speech last night? If not, Google it. I’ve made no secret that Biden was far down my list of who I wanted to win the nomination, but I have to say his speech impressed me. First, I think his message of unifying America under a calm and steady president is […]
Doling out revenge as if it were candy
Republicans frequently state that they don’t care about Donald Trump’s behavior; they only care about his results. That sounds innocent enough—until you realize that people made similar claims during the reigns of the worst autocrats in history. Even Robert Mugabe had his fans. Where Trump will ultimately rank among the world’s authoritarian rulers is yet […]
The logical Democratic presidential nominee is . . .
I took the New York Times Democratic candidate quiz, and for me it showed Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren tied at the top, followed by Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar. In a normal election I would agree with those results, but this is not a normal election. What the quiz did not ask was, “How […]
Trump teaches children that revenge is okay
The Christian-right gets their panties in a twist if two same sex people kiss on television—because “children are watching!” Knowing that, isn’t it ironic that they don’t get upset when their “champion,” Donald Trump, assaults women, calls people derogatory names, goes on a deranged rant at the National Prayer Breakfast, profits off of the presidency, […]