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Go away anti-vaxxers!

Go away anti-vaxxers!

Marty’s photo of the day #3864: I am so fucking sick of moronic, selfish anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers that I could scream like an elephant seal! It’s time to require proof of current vaccinations for admittance into all stores, all public transportation, all schools, all sports venues, all concert venues, and anywhere else groups of people […]

Anti-vaxxers vs Musical Bliss

Anti-vaxxers vs Musical Bliss

Many months ago, I bought tickets for Deb and me to attend the Halestorm and Evanescence concert in Portland, Oregon on November 5th. Finally, we could enjoy live music again! Then Republican anti-vaxxers ruined it for the rest of us by spreading the Trump/delta variant. Sure Deb and I are vaccinated, but breakthrough cases happen, […]

Crazy-ass Montana

Crazy-ass Montana

Montana is a great place to live if you enjoy wilderness and wildlife, but it’s a scary place to live if you enjoy science and human rights. This is especially the case now that Republicans dominate the legislature and state-wide offices. Not to be outdone by Florida or Texas for crazy-ass shit, Montana is now […]

Republican bigots

Republican bigots

Here’s how we know Republicans are bigots: Barack Obama wore a tan suit—just like white president, Ronald Reagan—and Republicans turned it into days of ridicule. “There’s no way, I don’t think, any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday. I mean, you have the world watching.”—Peter King, Republican Representative, NY Michelle Obama showed […]

Hawking the truth

Hawking the truth

Marty’s photo of the day #3612: This is a “cheat-shot” of a red-tailed hawk that had been rescued and was living at a wildlife facility I spoke at. Oh, wait! Why am I being truthful? We live in the era of alternative facts, where if you tell a lie multiple times with conviction people will […]

Orangutans vs Republicans

Orangutans vs Republicans

Marty’s photo of the day #3610: While on the island of Borneo, I watched two baby orangutans comfort each other, when they wandered too far from the orangutan rehabilitation facility and became lost in the dark. Meanwhile, in Montana, our Republican governor and legislature have passed bills taking away women’s rights, taking away trans rights, […]

Those who died for Trump’s sins

Those who died for Trump’s sins

With Easter weekend here, millions of white, Trump-voting Christians will be flocking to churches to celebrate Christ dying for their sins. While they do that, most won’t have a second thought about the hundreds of thousands of people who died for Donald Trump’s sins. Then, come Monday, those same Trump-Christians will go back to cheering […]