Marty’s photo of the day #3906: Every morning when I walk down the steps and turn on the kitchen light, this is the first thing I see on the windowsill over the sink: The Republican Jesus hoarding his guns and Traitor Trump Head getting his breakfast drink from a little black dog. If you find […]
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Category: General Rants
Go away anti-vaxxers!
Marty’s photo of the day #3864: I am so fucking sick of moronic, selfish anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers that I could scream like an elephant seal! It’s time to require proof of current vaccinations for admittance into all stores, all public transportation, all schools, all sports venues, all concert venues, and anywhere else groups of people […]
Great old churches make me wonder . . .
Marty’s photo of the day #3836: This is a small part of the Santa Maria del Fiore (the Florence Cathedral) in Florence, Italy. It is the third largest church in the world. I love all the great old Catholic churches in Europe, with their spectacular architecture and artwork. Still, every time I admire these great […]
The Thanksgiving Yak
Marty’s photo of the day #3817: Today I present the Thanksgiving Yak. May this yak put a smile on your face at dinner today, when your right-wing aunt or uncle starts yakking about how Derek Chauvin is innocent, Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero, COVID-19 shots change your DNA, Joe Biden is a senile-Satanist-communist, and Donald […]
Nellie and the elk
Marty’s photo of the day #3809: My dog, Nellie, gets credit for this shot. Yesterday I took her outside for a pee break and she immediately sniffed the air and charged into the woods. I assumed it was just her five-times-daily inventory of trees containing squirrels, but then she barked and froze. Just ahead of […]
Trump displays in Minnesota
Marty’s photo of the day #3805: I haven’t posted for a while because I have been so busy on my North Dakota/Minnesota college speaking tour. Today’s photo is of a house I passed on the highway just outside of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Even in liberal Minnesota, when you get into the country there are still Trump […]
Is it any wonder why the pandemic continues?
Greetings from Boonville, Missouri. Tonight I speak at Central Methodist University in Fayette. When I’m not speaking at colleges, I run my college speaking agency from my home office and write books. Consequently, there are many weeks where I don’t leave the hill my wife and I live on. Therefore whenever I head out, I’m […]
Anti-vaxxers vs Musical Bliss
Many months ago, I bought tickets for Deb and me to attend the Halestorm and Evanescence concert in Portland, Oregon on November 5th. Finally, we could enjoy live music again! Then Republican anti-vaxxers ruined it for the rest of us by spreading the Trump/delta variant. Sure Deb and I are vaccinated, but breakthrough cases happen, […]
The American Prairie Reserve! (Post #1)
Marty’s photos of the day #3715: Last night, my wife Deb, our dog Nellie, and I returned from six fabulous days in the American Prairie Reserve. Few people know about this wonderful, remote Montana treasure—and admittedly I’m quite tempted to stay quiet about it. Located along the Missouri River, in north-central Montana, it is one […]
Crazy-ass Montana
Montana is a great place to live if you enjoy wilderness and wildlife, but it’s a scary place to live if you enjoy science and human rights. This is especially the case now that Republicans dominate the legislature and state-wide offices. Not to be outdone by Florida or Texas for crazy-ass shit, Montana is now […]
Real Time with Bill Maher has become unwatchable
Years ago, my wife, Deb, and I used to arrange our Friday nights around watching “Real Time with Bill Maher,” but when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and he performed his show from home, he became (to use his term) “a whiny little bitch.” He was so unwatchable that we made other plans for our Friday […]
Republican bigots
Here’s how we know Republicans are bigots: Barack Obama wore a tan suit—just like white president, Ronald Reagan—and Republicans turned it into days of ridicule. “There’s no way, I don’t think, any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday. I mean, you have the world watching.”—Peter King, Republican Representative, NY Michelle Obama showed […]
Hawking the truth
Marty’s photo of the day #3612: This is a “cheat-shot” of a red-tailed hawk that had been rescued and was living at a wildlife facility I spoke at. Oh, wait! Why am I being truthful? We live in the era of alternative facts, where if you tell a lie multiple times with conviction people will […]
Orangutans vs Republicans
Marty’s photo of the day #3610: While on the island of Borneo, I watched two baby orangutans comfort each other, when they wandered too far from the orangutan rehabilitation facility and became lost in the dark. Meanwhile, in Montana, our Republican governor and legislature have passed bills taking away women’s rights, taking away trans rights, […]
Montana GOP: Sic the dogs on ’em
Marty’s photo of the day #3605: This year, with Republicans holding overwhelming power in every Montana state office, I wasn’t as active about speaking out against their actions as I have in the past. That’s because of the helplessness of knowing these cruel, proudly-Christian people were going to do whatever they damn well pleased, and […]
Even a shrew . . .
Marty’s photo of the day #3585: “Let me get this straight. You’re not going to wear a mask and you’re not going to get a COVID-19 vaccination because it will make Donald Trump look bad and Joe Biden look good? I’ve eaten shrews with eyes more open than yours.”
Those who died for Trump’s sins
With Easter weekend here, millions of white, Trump-voting Christians will be flocking to churches to celebrate Christ dying for their sins. While they do that, most won’t have a second thought about the hundreds of thousands of people who died for Donald Trump’s sins. Then, come Monday, those same Trump-Christians will go back to cheering […]
A ground squirrel vs the far-right
Marty’s photo of the day #3547: “Let me get this straight: You don’t believe DDT harms wildlife; you don’t believe humans cause global warming; you don’t believe masks help stop the spread of COVID-19, yet you do believe that your god will soon reinstall Donald Trump as president. Isn’t that kind of like a ground […]
Don’t worry about division: impeach and convict!
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham is pleading with the Democrats not to impeach Donald Trump again. His reasoning is that Trump made a helpful statement, he’s going to be a good boy for his final eleven days, and that an impeachment will further divide us. Why is it that Republicans can be racist, hateful, greedy, and […]
Climbing up the hill of ethics and civility
Just thirteen more days left until Trump and his cult are forced to seek shelter under the rocks from whence they came. While I appreciate that Mitch McConnell and other Republicans came to their senses yesterday, that doesn’t change the fact that up until that moment they goose stepped side-by-side with the worst, most evil […]