Republicans frequently state that they don’t care about Donald Trump’s behavior; they only care about his results. That sounds innocent enough—until you realize that people made similar claims during the reigns of the worst autocrats in history. Even Robert Mugabe had his fans. Where Trump will ultimately rank among the world’s authoritarian rulers is yet […]
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Category: Eco-Rants
Saved from the brink
Marty’s photo of the day #3146: I photographed this Antarctic fur seal on a little island off the coast of Antarctica. This species of fur seal almost went extinct due to over-hunting, but fortunately international protection stepped in before it was too late. Thank God the Trumps weren’t in power at that time, or Donny […]
Appreciating the Amazon Rainforest, Pt 7
Marty’s photo of the day #2997: The Amazon Rainforest is burning, and while the Amazon has experienced major fires before, there is no doubt greedy right-wing politicians and nearly 40 years of climate change denial are major contributors to the devastation. With that in mind, this week I’m featuring photos I’ve taken of animals in […]
Appreciating the Amazon Rainforest, Pt 6
Marty’s photo of the day #2996: The Amazon Rainforest is burning, and while the Amazon has experienced major fires before, there is no doubt greedy right-wing politicians and nearly 40 years of climate change denial are major contributors to the devastation. With that in mind, this week I’m featuring photos I’ve taken of animals in […]
Appreciating the Amazon Rainforest, Pt 5
Marty’s photo of the day #2995: The Amazon Rainforest is burning, and while the Amazon has experienced major fires before, there is no doubt greedy right-wing politicians and nearly 40 years of climate change denial are major contributors to the devastation. With that in mind, this week I’m featuring photos I’ve taken of animals in […]
Appreciating the Amazon Rainforest, Pt 4
Marty’s photo of the day #2994: The Amazon Rainforest is burning, and while the Amazon has experienced major fires before, I can’t help wondering how much greedy right-wing politicians and nearly 40 years of climate change denial have contributed to the devastation. With that in mind, this week I’m featuring photos I’ve taken of animals […]
Appreciating the Amazon Rainforest, Pt 3
Marty’s photo of the day #2993: The Amazon Rainforest is burning, and while the Amazon has experienced major fires before, I can’t help wondering how much greedy right-wing politicians and nearly 40 years of climate change denial have contributed to the devastation. With that in mind, this week I’m featuring photos I’ve taken of animals […]
Appreciating the Amazon Rainforest, Pt 2
Marty’s photo of the day #2992: The Amazon Rainforest is burning, and while the Amazon has experienced major fires before, I can’t help wondering how much greedy right-wing politicians and nearly 40 years of climate change denial have contributed to the devastation. With that in mind, this week I’m featuring photos I’ve taken of animals […]
About that Greenland purchase . . .
The untold story behind Donald Trump and his temper tantrum about not being able to buy Greenland is the insatiable greed behind it. Republicans have found a way to twist global warming into a good thing. They love it that the melting ice at the poles will open up more land for oil and mineral […]
Inside Deb’s Lavender Patch, Pt 2
Marty’s photo of the day #2969: Today is part two of my three-part series, “Inside Deb’s Lavender Patch.” Did you know that there are 28 species of bee in Montana? Of course, since President KKKlueless sees bees as a “liberal insect,” he is doing his best to reduce their numbers in Montana and everywhere else. […]
Dear World: Sorry, but we’re no longer . . .
Dear World: When I was in grade school, my teachers taught me that we here in the United States were the “good guys,” and I believed them. Now, as a freethinking adult, I know that’s not the case—at least not now. In fact, under acting-president Trump and his cult of deplorables, we’ve quite literally become […]
Earth Day photo for Republicans
Marty’s photo of the day #2870: Today is Earth Day, and if you’re a Republican, I know this is a miserable day for you. Why would anyone want to talk about saving the planet for future generations, when nothing is more important than the money you are making right now? Fuck your children and grandchildren, […]
Just how selfish are Republicans?
Just how selfish are Republicans and their conservative Christian base? When liberal Democrats talk about the Green New Deal as a way to save our planet and make life better for our children and grandchildren, Republicans on Fox News, AM-hate radio, and the internet answer by spewing fear that the Green New Deal will prevent […]
The Republican love affair with DDT
Marty’s photo of the day #2838: I have a relative who is everything Donald Trump. Arguing with her is fruitless, but you would think some right-wing conspiracy theories would be so obviously wrong that even right-wingers could see it. One of the conspiracy theories she argues for is that Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring” was […]
Why I will never visit Japan
Marty’s photo of the day #2785: I will never visit a country that supports whaling. So no Japan for me! Their withdrawal from the International Whaling Commission to resume commercial whaling for the first time in 31 years is reprehensible. Today’s photo is of an old whaling dinghy, stuck in volcanic ash, on Deception Island, […]
Orangutans, Americans, and Palm Oil
Marty’s photo of the day #2773: I photographed this orangutan on the island of Borneo. Every year, species survival grows more difficult for orangutans. The primary reason for this is habitat destruction to create oil palm plantations. While it’s easy to blame the local people for this, we in the United States and other developed […]
Winter should behave like winter
Marty’s photo of the day #2765: Having grown up in Minnesota, I enjoy the cold and snow of winter. Now that I live in Montana, all I ask of winter is that it behave like winter and stay below 32 degrees. But, thanks in large part to more than 30 years of Republican obstruction and […]
The slow mass murderer
Hey Republicans! Did you see that your cult leader, Donald “The Slow Mass Murderer” Trump is trying to roll back yet another Obama-era environmental regulation? This time his administration is proposing to loosen the regulation on mercury, since it’s “too expensive to industry.” Yes, the man you voted for, because his stance against abortion allowed […]
What really concerns Donald Trump
Here’s what really concerns Tiny Trump’s psychopathic brain the most about the MAGA Bomber and the Tree of Life Synagogue Mass Shooter. Thursday night he said, “Now, we did have two maniacs stop a momentum that was incredible, because for seven days nobody talked about the elections. It stopped a tremendous momentum.” Upon hearing Tiny […]
The longest migration on Earth
Marty’s photo of the day #2594: This is a tiny segment of the Porcupine caribou migration. These caribou migrate between Canada and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Their 800 mile-long migration is the longest of any land animal on Earth. Now that the Republican cult and Rut Leader Trump have opened up the […]