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The true test of character

The true test of character

Marty’s photo of the day #4204: Some people say religion makes a person good. That’s bullshit. Practically without exception, the most awful people I know—and know of—are the most religious. No, the true test of a person’s character is how they treat their dogs (or cats, if they swing that way). Yeah, I’m not guided […]

Laying on paws

Laying on paws

Marty’s photo of the day #3826: I’m not allergic to anything, and I have never had a reaction to any shot—except the Moderna shot. Deb and I got our boosters on Wednesday, and we both had a reaction. For me, it was as if I had gone several rounds with a heavyweight boxer. I ached […]

Dogs and heights

Dogs and heights

Marty’s photo of the day #3555: One of the ways dogs are like humans is that some are afraid of heights and others are not. I’ll never forget, many years ago, when Deb and I rented a Forest Service lookout tower in northwestern Montana. Our Labrador retriever climbed right to the top, but I had […]

Dogs don’t understand art

Dogs don’t understand art

Marty’s photo of the day #3133: Years ago, Deb and I spent a weekend at a Forest Service cabin, somewhere in Montana. As we were cleaning up to leave, I got the idea to try and do a Montana version of the American Gothic painting. Rule #1: Dogs don’t understand art and will destroy every […]