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Leopard at dusk

Leopard at dusk

Marty’s photo of the day #2436: Anytime you can photograph a leopard in the wild, it’s special. I took this picture at dusk in Zimbabwe. Because of the lack of light, I really had to push my camera to get a usable image. The leopard disappeared into the bush moments later.

Lion on the hunt

Lion on the hunt

Marty’s photo of the day #2379: I watched this lion and two others hunt Cape buffalo in Zimbabwe. The lions didn’t make a kill during the hour I was there, but hunting isn’t simple when you are a lion. Perhaps she and her hunting party had success later that evening.

Martyman gets rich!

Martyman gets rich!

Marty’s photo of the day #2307: Martyman is all excited, because I gave him a $5,000.00 bill. “With all this money, I can impress the ladies,” he said. “Maybe I can even get a mail-order stripper-bride, just like Melania Trump! Did I say stripper? I mean ‘high-class model-bride.’” Poor Martyman is in for a letdown. […]

Photo-shy impalas

Photo-shy impalas

Marty’s photo of the day #2236: I saw tons of impala in Zimbabwe, but never did get a good photo of them. It was as if they knew the limitations of my lens and then backed off 20 feet from there. This photo was about as good as it got.