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It Trump really a fascist?

It Trump really a fascist?

Is Donald Trump actually a fascist? Although I often criticize the incompetent twit, I’ve tried to avoid exaggerating by blatantly calling him a fascist. Then I saw this: “The Democrats could solve the Shutdown problem in a very short period of time. All they have to do is approve REAL Border Security (including a Wall), […]

Republicans fearmonger socialism

Republicans fearmonger socialism

One thing amazing about the Republican Cult is how easily they are able to get everyone in line for something to be scared about. Last election it was brown people, and the result was Treason Trump—“anointed by God.” This election it’s socialism, and they have made Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez their “monster” to be afraid of. With […]

Baseball and boas

Baseball and boas

Marty’s photo of the day #2517: In honor of the Minnesota Twins vs. Cleveland Indians baseball games in Puerto Rico this week, I’m digging into my Puerto Rico photos. The island really needs these games as a pick-me-up, after the Trump administration botched the hurricane recovery efforts (they have enough paper towels now, however). Both […]

Time Is Irreverent is now available!

Time Is Irreverent is now available!

We’re early. Time Is Irreverent became available today! At this moment the only place to buy the book is on Amazon, but that will change in a few weeks. The trade paperback (with the silky-feel cover) is $14.95, and the Kindle version is specially priced at $2.99. The special Kindle price is very short-term—just long […]

Donald’s Switzerland date

Donald’s Switzerland date

Marty’s photo of the day #2435: Now that Melania Trump is giving Donald the cold shoulder over his porn star affair, Ryan Zinke is busy trying to find a date to accompany the toddler-in-chief on his upcoming Switzerland trip. So far, he’s only found one female mammal willing to get within ten feet of Donald […]

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #6

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #6

Imagine if the United States had an egomaniacal president who thought he was smart enough to drop nuclear bombs here and there without negative consequences. What if you could go back to AD 31 and present the people of Galilee with a new liberal version of the Ten Commandments? How would that affect our culture […]

Pure Evil!

Pure Evil!

My wife and I, along with 20,000 Montanans, have our insurance through the wonderful Montana Health Co-op. As a result of Donald Trump’s vindictive and sadistic executive order to undermine Obamacare, it appears as if the co-op will have to pull out of the exchange. If 20,000 people in Montana are losing their health insurance, […]

The Trump IQ Test Winner!

The Trump IQ Test Winner!

Marty’s photo of the day #2334: As you probably heard, Psycho Don challenged Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to an IQ test contest. What you probably haven’t heard is that a third contestant entered the contest and won. I’m proud to share with you an exclusive photo of that third contestant and winner! Congratulations Mr. […]

We can make it!

We can make it!

Marty’s photo of the day #2330: I will get back to politics in a bit, but after this last week, we all deserve a cuteness break. In my arms is a baby silver wallaroo—perhaps the most adorable animal in all of Australia. Now that you have this wallaroo in your mind, close your eyes, take […]

Unfortunate last names

Unfortunate last names

While I wait for the editing and cover art to be completed for my new science-fiction political-satire, Time is Irreverent, I have plenty of work to do, running my talent agency. One of those jobs includes updating my list of more than 7,000 college talent buyers. It’s a tedious task, as I have to visit […]