Dogs are truly a superior species. While the humans in Nellie’s family fret over greedy Nazi and felon co-presidents who are willing to let people die for a tax cut, all she needs to make her smile is a deep pile of fresh snow. Oh, and frozen deer poops—winter chocolates!
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Tag: dogs
Dogs and cactus
Marty’s photo of the day #4824: The prickly pear cactuses were in bloom at the American Prairie earlier this month. Our dog, Nellie, has accompanied my wife and me on all three of our American Prairie visits. The first visit was nerve-racking for me, because I was constantly worried that Nellie would step on a […]
Night walks in the forest with Nellie
Marty’s photo of the day #4644: Nellie loves routines, and with her it only takes once to establish a precedent. After she had TPLO surgery on November 1st, to get her bionic left-rear leg, she would get me up three and four times a night to go for walks in the forest. I was happy […]
The true test of character
Marty’s photo of the day #4204: Some people say religion makes a person good. That’s bullshit. Practically without exception, the most awful people I know—and know of—are the most religious. No, the true test of a person’s character is how they treat their dogs (or cats, if they swing that way). Yeah, I’m not guided […]
Animal friends
Laying on paws
Marty’s photo of the day #3826: I’m not allergic to anything, and I have never had a reaction to any shot—except the Moderna shot. Deb and I got our boosters on Wednesday, and we both had a reaction. For me, it was as if I had gone several rounds with a heavyweight boxer. I ached […]
Dogs and heights
Marty’s photo of the day #3555: One of the ways dogs are like humans is that some are afraid of heights and others are not. I’ll never forget, many years ago, when Deb and I rented a Forest Service lookout tower in northwestern Montana. Our Labrador retriever climbed right to the top, but I had […]
Dogs don’t understand art
Marty’s photo of the day #3133: Years ago, Deb and I spent a weekend at a Forest Service cabin, somewhere in Montana. As we were cleaning up to leave, I got the idea to try and do a Montana version of the American Gothic painting. Rule #1: Dogs don’t understand art and will destroy every […]