Marty’s photo of the day #2219: Batman, coming through Barbara’s window: “We would have entered the building by more conventional means, but we didn’t want to startle the tenants.”
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Category: Humor
Close your eyes and it gets darks
Marty’s photo of the day #2218: Robin: “If we close our eyes, we can’t see anything.” Batman: “A sound observation, Robin.”
The all-important utility belt
Marty’s photo of the day #2217: Robin: “Where’d you get a live fish, Batman?” Batman: “The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin.”
To the bat cave!
Marty’s photo of the day #2216: Batman: “Better put 5 cents in the meter.” Robin: “No policeman’s going to give the Batmobile a ticket.” Batman: “This money goes to building better roads. We all must do our part.”
Sympathy for the Republican
As of today, Republicans have rescinded the longstanding policy of allowing the media to ask questions of coming and going senators in hallways at the Capitol. Now reporters must get permission from the Senate Rules Committee before asking a question. I could go on a rant about how this is just one more step toward […]
Good grammar is essential
Marty’s photo of the day #2215: Robin: “You can’t get away from Batman that easy!” Batman: “Easily.” Robin: “Easily.” Batman: “Good grammar is essential, Robin.” Robin: “Thank you.” Batman: “You’re welcome.”
Nobody wants war
Marty’s photo of the day #2214: Batman: “Nobody wants war.” Robin: “Gee, Batman. Belgravia’s such a small country. We’d beat them in a few hours.” Batman: “Yes, and then we’d have to support them for years.”
In memory of Adam West
Marty’s photo of the day #2213: Catwoman: “Let no one say that Catwoman is not the best-dressed woman in the world.” Batman: “There are no fashion shows where you’re going, Catwoman.” Robin: “And how could a feline feloness like you also be a fashion model?” Batman: “Ah-ah. Give credit where credit is due, Robin. She […]
Rant of the day
Unless something happens later to grab my attention, I don’t feel particularly ranty today. So here’s my rant of the day: rant.
Montana . . . how could you?
Marty’s photo of the day #2197: Last night I dreamed that whip scorpions were attacking me. That was okay, I’ve had worse dreams. Then I woke up and realized that I live in a country that elected Donald “The Pussy Grabber” Trump, and in a state that elected Greg “The Body Slammer” Gianforte. Now that […]
If only Libertarian candidates had the brains God gave an animal cracker
One of the major problems with the Libertarian Party is that none of their candidates have the brains God gave an animal cracker. Remember Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, who couldn’t name even one living foreign leader? Well, in the race for U.S. Congress in Montana, the Libertarians have another genius: “President Trump has appointed […]
If this is a repeat, it’s not my fault
Marty’s photo of the day #2189: I try to never repeat my photos of the day, but I’m sure I screw up every once in a while. I photographed this moose in our front yard several years ago. If it’s a repeat, I’m sorry. It’s not my fault. It’s the liberal media’s fault—because Donald Trump […]
My front yard elk and possible poachers
Marty’s photo of the day #2081: This was the scene in my front yard yesterday. For the last few days, we’ve had a herd of elk hanging around. At this time of year they are a bit scraggly, as they are losing their winter coats. They were also quite skittish, so I had to be […]
Donald Trump likely to pull a Sarah Palin
Anyone who has their hopes up that Donald Trump’s recent unhinged and unethical behavior will lead to his being removed from office is in for a disappointment. That’s because Republicans in Congress are simply incapable of putting country before party. Trump could grab Angela Merkel by the pussy and give Vladimir Putin an apartment in […]
Martyman demands royalties!
Marty’s photo of the day #2071: Yay! I have finished writing my new science fiction comedy novel (or at least I have it ready for an editor). The book even has a title: Time is Irreverent. Yesterday, I mailed out the first copy of the manuscript, and I let Martyman check it out before I […]
Martyman cleans up his act
Marty’s photo of the day #2146: If you remember where we left off yesterday, Martyman had taken a terrible fall and broken off both of his legs. Fortunately, years ago, I bought a backup body, should something ever happen to the original. As long as we were starting with a new Martyman body, I decided […]
The Cactus-climbing starfish
Marty’s photo of the day #2142: The rare and endangered cactus-climbing starfish was, perhaps, my best find last year while hiking on Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. Very few people ever get the chance to see this unusual animal in the wild, as they’re quite shy. Also, as a photographer, I had to approach with caution. Spooking […]
The Republican Jesus: On Guard for Military Contractors
Marty’s photo of the day #2127: Now that Donald Trump has released his Federal Budget Proposal, the Republican Jesus is busy guarding his money to make sure it only goes to military contractors and tax cuts for the super-rich. And, just as important, he is guarding his food to make sure it isn’t given to […]
Kellyanne Conway was right!
Marty’s photo of the day #2124: Oh, my God! Trump spokesperson Kellyanne Conway was right! Martyman spent all day yesterday punching different combinations of numbers on our microwave. Finally he struck gold: an entire nest of cameras materialized inside! Sorry, Kellyanne. I never should have doubted you.
The Microwave Camera!
As a photographer, I’m always looking for unique camera equipment. According to Donald Trump’s spokesperson, Kellyanne Conway, one of the ways President Obama and others could have spied on Donald Trump was through “microwaves that turn into cameras.” I’ve been looking at my microwave, and I see popcorn, beverage, baked potato, and beverage buttons, but […]