Today, without a doubt, Montana has its most watched election in history. And since Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte chose to body slam, choke, and punch a reporter from the Guardian, a British newspaper, the election is now even huge international news. When I posted on this last night, I was surprise by how many […]
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Category: General Rants
Yes, it’s better to be liberal than conservative
Sometimes I feel like we live in Opposite World. Time and time again Republicans use the word “conservative” like a badge of honor, while Democrats shy away from using the word “liberal.” I don’t know about you, but I would much rather be known as a liberal (which is someone who is broad-minded, tolerant, and […]
If only Libertarian candidates had the brains God gave an animal cracker
One of the major problems with the Libertarian Party is that none of their candidates have the brains God gave an animal cracker. Remember Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, who couldn’t name even one living foreign leader? Well, in the race for U.S. Congress in Montana, the Libertarians have another genius: “President Trump has appointed […]
Trump voters Make America Vulnerable Again
What is the biggest surprise of Donald Trump’s presidency? Not the bigotry, the hatred, the incompetence, the instability, or the Russian connections. Before the election, all of that was on full display for Americans to see. Except, of course, for the 63 million clueless people who couldn’t tell fact from fiction, and therefore voted for […]
Perhaps the Russians do have that Trump tape
Now that Donald Trump has given classified information to the Russians, I have to ask all the people who shouted “lock her up,” why aren’t you now shouting “lock him up”? Sure, as president, Trump legally and instantly declassified the information the moment he spilled the beans. But if you add that to Trump’s botched […]
Donald Trump likely to pull a Sarah Palin
Anyone who has their hopes up that Donald Trump’s recent unhinged and unethical behavior will lead to his being removed from office is in for a disappointment. That’s because Republicans in Congress are simply incapable of putting country before party. Trump could grab Angela Merkel by the pussy and give Vladimir Putin an apartment in […]
Trump really could shoot someone and not lose his followers.
When historians look back at Donald Trump, the chances are good that they will see this as his defining quote: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters. Okay?” Personally, when I think of Trump, the fable of “The Scorpion and the Frog” immediately comes […]
Martyman on Trumpcare
Marty’s photo of the day #2074: A: This is your Martyman B: This is your Martyman on Trumpcare Any questions?
Why are Muslim killers worse than Christian killers?
On September 11, 2001, 2,996 people died as a result of a terrorist attack by 19 Muslims. On May 4, 2017, 217 Christian Republican congressmen and women cheered as they signed death warrants for numbers of people that will dwarf the numbers who died in 9/11. They even signed death warrants for people who haven’t […]
Let me know when it’s safe to come back out
One of the best things about writing my new science fiction comedy novel, Time is Irreverent, was that from Christmas until yesterday, I got to spend 10 to 12 hours a day in a completely different world, with no Donald Trump or greedy Republican politicians. Well, since the villain in my book is an insane […]
Greg Gianforte is a sadistic humanoid
Marty’s photo of the day #2065: Upon seeing this photo, a normal human being will likely say something like, “Awwww look at that cute ground squirrel!” But if you are Montana’s Republican candidate for US Congress, Greg Gianforte, you would say: “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?” […]
You don’t want to fund Planned Parenthood? I don’t want to fund the wall!
Republicans prefer to spend money on things like further bloating our military, their damn wall, and tax cuts for the rich (which steals from government services that benefit us all). Democrats prefer to spend money on things like renewable energy, public education, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Planned Parenthood. Why should only Republicans […]
Why Republicans can’t write a bill that helps people
To understand why Republicans failed to pass their replacement for Obamacare, all you need to do is look at the Encarta Dictionary definition of conservatism: “Unwillingness or slowness to accept change or new ideas.” Coming up with their own bill meant that Republicans had to be forward-thinking—and that’s just not in their DNA. What a […]
The Republican Jesus: On Guard for Military Contractors
Marty’s photo of the day #2127: Now that Donald Trump has released his Federal Budget Proposal, the Republican Jesus is busy guarding his money to make sure it only goes to military contractors and tax cuts for the super-rich. And, just as important, he is guarding his food to make sure it isn’t given to […]
Peace from the Borneo Girls
Marty’s photo of the day #2121: I was hiking in a Malaysian Borneo rainforest, during the height of the Iraq War, when I came across a high school camping trip. Yesterday I posted the boy’s photo; today I’m posting the girl’s photo. Malaysia is a Muslim country, and I was the only white person for […]
High School Camping or Terrorist Training Camp?
Marty’s photo of the day #2120: I was hiking in Malaysian Borneo, when I came across what was obviously a high school camping trip. Although there are only boys in this photo, a group of girls posed for me in a different shot. Malaysia is a Muslim country, and I took this photo during the […]
Republican Health Care Tunnel
Marty’s photo of the day #2119: Step right up folks. The new Republican health care plan is at the end of the tunnel. It’s the best. You’re gonna love it!
Trump and the Republicans are using Christianity to kill
Let’s see, so far the Trump and Republican agenda includes massively increasing our military spending (so they can kill more people), gutting the EPA and environmental regulations (so the rich can get richer, while killing more people), making it as difficult as possible for women to have an abortion (so those women can die the […]
Trump’s speech appealed to the unevolved
Donald Trump’s speech last night played well to the uninformed and the militaristic side of America, as he was under control. I wish the media had the guts to call out Trump for his tasteless stunt of bringing out Carryn Owens (wife of Chief Petty Officer Ryan Owens, who died during Trump’s ill-advised raid in […]