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The Republican Party in a nutshell

The Republican Party in a nutshell

The Republican Party is a cult that preys on gullible people and gets them to vote against themselves. That’s why America doesn’t have universal health care, and why so many Republicans still believe that global warming is a hoax. Republican leaders built their cult by pretending to be good Christians and getting the far-right Christian […]

Pure Evil!

Pure Evil!

My wife and I, along with 20,000 Montanans, have our insurance through the wonderful Montana Health Co-op. As a result of Donald Trump’s vindictive and sadistic executive order to undermine Obamacare, it appears as if the co-op will have to pull out of the exchange. If 20,000 people in Montana are losing their health insurance, […]

American gun death resurrections

American gun death resurrections

Soon Republicans and the NRA will agree to make it a bit harder to acquire bump stocks. Then they’ll puff out their chests, tell us all how much they care, and go on offering prayers for the victims of the next slaughter—and the next. If prayers were effective against America’s gun death epidemic, victims would […]

Weapons straight from hell

Weapons straight from hell

If Great Britain had the guns and ammo the Las Vegas shooter possessed, they would have won the American Revolutionary War. In fact, the Las Vegas shooter alone would have most likely been victorious in any battle against American troops. Can anyone honestly say that the framers of the Constitution wouldn’t have been totally freaked […]

Satan and the NRA

Satan and the NRA

In the wake of yet another mass shooting, Senator Claire McCaskill has called on the NRA to do some “soul searching.” While I appreciate Senator McCaskill’s comments, if we wait for the NRA to find its soul, nothing will ever get done. The NRA, CEO Wayne LaPierre, and its membership all sold their souls years […]

Hey “Christian” Republican voters!

Hey “Christian” Republican voters!

Hey “Christian” Republican voters! You refuse to vote for Democrats, due to your religious belief that they are baby killers, for not forcing pregnant women to give birth. Yet you are perfectly fine voting for Republicans, who are killing our planet with their anti-environment votes; who are obsessed with taking away health care; who look […]