Just thirteen more days left until Trump and his cult are forced to seek shelter under the rocks from whence they came. While I appreciate that Mitch McConnell and other Republicans came to their senses yesterday, that doesn’t change the fact that up until that moment they goose stepped side-by-side with the worst, most evil […]
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Year: 2021
American crocodile
Marty’s photo of the day #3483: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything from Belize, so here’s an American crocodile. I made this photograph at night, while on one of the Turnaffe islands. The flash gave the photo kind of an unrealistic, artsy feel.
Something blue for today
Marty’s photo of the day #3482: My only criteria for choosing a photo today was to find something blue—something to freeze out Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and the rest of the red villains. Photographed somewhere along the way to Antarctica.
Fur seals
Marty’s photo of the day #3481: There are Antarctic fur seals, on a foggy island off the coast of Antarctica. At one time, sealers had killed so many Antarctic fur seals that the species was on the brink of extinction. Fortunately, the seals were given international protection and they have made an impressive recovery.
Mother badger and cub
Marty’s photo of the day #3481: A mother badger with one of her cubs. Photographed in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley of Montana.
Great blue heron
Marty’s photo of the day #3480: Great blue heron, photographed in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley of Montana.
January 6th: the day the GOP attempts to turn America into a theocracy
The Electoral College certification process is going to make January 6th a wild day. Cosplay right-wingers will descend on Washington like flies descend on Mike Pence’s head. And inside the United States Capitol, at the joint session of Congress, roughly 140 Republicans will attempt to toss aside the presidential election and turn America in to […]
Pregnant cactus
Marty’s photo of the day #3479: I’m posting today’s photo as a public service for all of you out there who have always wanted to know what a pregnant cardon cactus looks like. You’re welcome! (Photographed in Mexico)
Sea lions don’t socially distance!
Marty’s photo of the day #3478: Someday, late this year, we won’t have to socially distance either. (Sea lions, photographed in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico)