Marty’s photo of the day #4627: We got about 16 inches of snow over the past several days, and Nellie is ecstatic! In some places, where the snow is past her chest, she dives right in. And when she runs up the steep hill below our house—snow flying everywhere—I can almost hear her bionic rear […]
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Tag: snow
Snow crystals at night
Marty’s photos of the day #4174-4176: No, these are not photos from the James Webb Space Telescope. They’re photos from my driveway. Last night, when I took Nellie out for her final pee break, tiny snow crystals were falling from the sky. I shined my flashlight straight up and realized a cool photo opportunity was […]
In love with snow
Marty’s photo of the day #3839: I’ve always had dogs in my life, but none have enjoyed the snow as much as Nellie does. Whenever we have new snow, she’ll run through the forest surrounding our house, exclaiming in her own language: “Look at all this white stuff! It’s everywhere! Oh, this white stuff is […]
Winter games
Marty’s photo of the day #3830: Every morning at 8:30 Nellie comes into my writing room and stares at me until I take her outside to play Frisbee. Although she does catch the disc, doing so isn’t a high priority for her. She would rather retrieve the Frisbee and then pull it away a split-second […]
The Tree House
Marty’s photo of the day #3516: I can’t say that winter is my favorite season, but if we’re going to have winter—let’s have it! None of that 37 degrees and brown crap. Therefore I’m pleased that 13 degrees and a foot of snow have arrived to our home in Montana. I enjoyed an early morning […]
Snow vs. Sand
Marty’s photo of the day #3161: As much as I enjoy winter (we got 5 inches of snow overnight), I’d enjoy being back on this Cape Tribulation beach even more. (Photographed in Queensland, Australia)
It’s not easy being a deer
Marty’s photo of the day #2844: As many of you know, earlier this winter roughly three feet of snow buried my house. Now that the weather has warmed up, the snow has melted enough that I could finally trudge out into the woods in our side yard to check my motion-sensing camera. There wasn’t a […]
Antarctica or Montana?
Marty’s photo of the day #2818: I took this photo a few minutes ago, peering out the back window wall of our house. As you can see looking down the hill, penguins have moved in. Looking down further you can see . . . how did a ship get in my backyard? Okay, I grabbed […]
Trump is up to his neck in what?
When Deb and I moved to Montana in 1996, we experienced record snowfall our first winter. We live at the foot of a mountain and have a long gravel driveway. Figuring “all Montana winters must be like this,” I went out and bought a snowblower. Fast forward to this winter, and in 23 years, I […]
Snow deer
Marty’s photo of the day #2814: If you’re going to eat the good stuff, you can’t be bothered by a little snow. (Photographed in Montana)
A lynx for every state of mind
Marty’s photo of the day #2441: Yesterday I mentioned that I have tons of long-eared owl photos from a day I spent with a researcher banding owls, and how each shot featured a different owl emotion—from happy to sad to excited. I also have tons of Canada lynx photos from an afternoon I spent in […]
Fox and deer
Marty’s photo of the day #2123: As mentioned yesterday, Deb and I were out hiking in our backyard (we have a very big backyard), when I found a dead deer. The deer was frozen solid, so I moved it to an open spot in the forest and set up my motion-sensing camera. Initially the action […]