Marty’s photo of the day #4518: Deb’s and my two-week-long vacation on Vancouver Island was a fallback vacation that we decided on only two weeks before we departed. It truly was a “winging-it” adventure. Previously, the Covid-19 Pandemic canceled our Bonaire trip (now planned for next year), and then massive forest fires canceled what was […]
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Tag: Bonaire
Even Canada . . .
Marty’s photo of the day #3379: Deb and I had talked about going to Bonaire this fall, but Donald Trump decided that 200,000 COVID-19 deaths were a small price to pay if he could fool enough people into thinking things were fine and reelecting him. As an alternative, my wife and I also thought of […]
An anniversary in the rainforest
Marty’s photo of the day #3191: Being self-employed often means seldom taking a vacation. Before Deb and I traveled to all seven continents in four years, we had gone ten years without taking a vacation, other than occasional long-weekend backpacking trips. Even then, our seven continents of adventures were technically work, because I turned them […]