Spring is here, and that means the nighttime activity is wild at the Essen Wildlife Refuge in Montana. My motion-sensing cameras switch to infrared mode at night, hence the lack of color. The photos from this week: mountain lion, coyote, racoons, fox, deer, bigfoot.
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Tag: Bigfoot
Just behind that tree . . .
Marty’s photo of the day #4788: In the summer, I move my office/writing room out to the front porch, which allows me to gaze out at the top level of the Essen Wildlife Refuge. I also have a motion-sensing camera that is roughly 100 yards straight out from the house. It doesn’t surprise me when […]
The wild in wildlife
Marty’s photo of the day #4758: The “wild” in wildlife is pretty much a guarantee that whatever it is will refuse to be predictable. My wife’s college roommates and their husbands came to visit from Minnesota this past week, and most had heard about all the wildlife we have at the Essen Wildlife Refuge. But, […]
Winter has no decency
Marty’s photo of the day #3877: I am a fan of winter, but only if winter has the decency to drop below freezing and stay there. This winter (in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana) is my least favorite winter in twenty-five years. We get snow—Yay, skiing!—and then it gets warm enough to start melting the […]
My favorite deity
Marty’s photo of the day #3825: I photographed this pink river dolphin in a tributary of the Amazon River. Of all the deities, pink river dolphins are my favorite. They live in Encante, a city of gold under the Amazon River (I named my talent agency Encante Entertainment, Inc.), and their primary superpower is that […]
Bigfoot finally got out of the way
Marty’s photo of the day #3604: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything from my front yard motion-sensing camera. Pictures over the winter have been pretty run-of-the-mill—just the usual bigfoot, D.B. Cooper, and naked Mitch McConnell shots. Finally, though, I got the deer portrait I had been aiming for!
Great gray owl in flight
Marty’s photo of the day #3533: This is the great gray owl that hangs out in the trees below Deb’s and my house. The shot is a little soft, because it’s extremely difficult to catch an owl in flight in perfect focus. But hey, at least it’s in better focus than my Bigfoot photos.