Marty’s photo of the day #4454: With only a few exceptions, each of my photos of the day features a picture that I’ve never posted before. That means, unless I return to Antarctica, I will eventually run out of penguin photos to post. But not today! Here’s an Adélie penguin.
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Tag: Antarctica
Sleeping chick
Marty’s photo of the day #4447: A gentoo parent (could be a male or female) watches over his/her sleeping chick, along the coast of Antarctica.
Sure, we’d do it
Marty’s photo of the day #4421: Last night, Deb and I discussed whether we would take a ride in the Titan submersible to see the Titanic shipwreck if given the chance. We both agreed we’d do it, but not for the $250,000 per-person fee. Perhaps if OceanGate removed one of the zeros from the price […]
Watching the penguins
Marty’s photo of the day #4414: A south polar skua watches over a penguin colony, on a tiny island, just off the coast of Antarctica.
The invisible friend
Marty’s photo of the day #4411: Huge scientific discovery! Gentoo penguins are the only animal species, other than humans, that enjoy going for walks with an invisible friend. (Photographed just off the coast of Antarctica)
Penguins in the fog
Marty’s photo of the day #4401: Gentoo penguins in the fog. (Photographed just off the coast of Antarctica)
Dreamy Antarctica
Marty’s photo of the day #4322: Crossing the stormy Drake Passage, between Antarctica and South America. Wait? Did I say Stormy? Stormy! Stormy! Stormy! Stormy! Stormy! Stormy! I dedicate today’s photo to a true American hero. Thank you, Stormy Daniels, for your service. (And your hilarious tweets.)
Humpback near Antarctia
A random penguin photo
Marty’s photo of the day #4307: I’m having a very busy day today. And many of you know what that means: a penguin photo! I opened up my Antarctica photo file and this was quite literally the first penguin photo I saw that I haven’t posted before. These are gentoo penguins.
From another angle
Marty’s photo of the day #4305: Having posted over four thousand “photos of the day,” with the goal of never posting the same photo twice, sometimes I have to really think to remember if I’ve posted a particular photo. Icebergs are especially difficult. I know I’ve shown this iceberg before, but I don’t think I’ve […]
That awkward moment . . .
Marty’s photo of the day #4304: That awkward moment when the child is bigger than the parent and still wants to be fed. Gentoo penguins, photographed off the coast of Antarctica.
Comin’ right at ya!
Marty’s photo of the day #4292: Here’s a humpback whale, comin’ right at ya! (Photographed off the coast of Antarctica)
Iceberg close-up
Chinstrap penguin
Marty’s photo of the day #4282: Chinstrap penguin, photographed on an island off the coast of Antarctica.
Female elephant seal
Marty’s photo of the day #4267: Female elephant seal, photographed on a tiny island along the coast of Antarctica.
The curious penguin
Marty’s photo of the day #4229: Here is a photo to put a smile on your face. When Deb and I traveled to Antarctica, a documentary film crew came along. We all had to abide by strict rules that prevented us from approaching any animal closer than fifteen feet. Those rules also applied to the […]
Antarctic beauty
Marty’s photo of the day #4224: To fully appreciate this photo, it helps to know the background. I’m standing on the bow of a tiny Russian ship, the Professor Multanovskiy, and we are sailing in the caldera of an active volcano, which is inside Deception Island. I shot this photo, as the ship was heading […]
Saved from extinction
Marty’s photo of the day #4206: This is an Antarctic fur seal, photographed on a foggy island off the coast of Antarctica. This gorgeous animal is another example of why I despise hunting. Hunters love to proclaim they are “conservationists,” but the facts are that hunters only become that way after laws stop their carnage. […]
Antarctica snow
Marty’s photo of the day #4201: I shot this photo shortly after Deb and I climbed a glacier on Antarctica. All of a sudden, giant snowflakes began falling. It was simply magical! Below where I am standing is a gentoo penguin colony, and if you look in the upper left-hand corner, you will see our […]