Marty’s photo of the day #3826: I’m not allergic to anything, and I have never had a reaction to any shot—except the Moderna shot. Deb and I got our boosters on Wednesday, and we both had a reaction. For me, it was as if I had gone several rounds with a heavyweight boxer. I ached all over and even moving from room-to-room in the house was exhausting. Even so, it beats the hell out of catching COVID-19. And now that I have gone through it three times (the first two shots and the booster), I know what to expect. The symptoms kick in at six hours and end almost exactly twenty-four hours after the shot. One of the most difficult things for me during that period is not taking any painkillers. The reason is that during that initial period there is a chance that the painkillers could lessen the vaccination’s long-term effectiveness. Again, it’s just a chance, but I can put up with anything for twenty-four hours. So why not go for it?
The good side is that I have also learned that once I make it through those twenty-four hours, I will now go two or more weeks without a headache (I usually have a couple headaches a week). There is no scientific reason for that, but who gives a fuck?
What does that have to do with this photo of Nellie? Generally she is go, go, go! But on the day I was feeling shitty, she climbed into my lap, put her head on my shoulder, and stayed there with me all morning. I wasn’t all better by the time our bladders forced us to move, but her ability to “lay on paws” was a billion times more effective than any evangelist “laying on hands.” Dogs are such magical creatures!
If you haven’t done so yet: get your booster shot. Reactions worse than a sore arm are rare and no matter what, you’ll be able to say you are braver and tougher than Aaron Rodgers!