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Go away anti-vaxxers!

Go away anti-vaxxers!

Marty’s photo of the day #3864: I am so fucking sick of moronic, selfish anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers that I could scream like an elephant seal! It’s time to require proof of current vaccinations for admittance into all stores, all public transportation, all schools, all sports venues, all concert venues, and anywhere else groups of people […]

Nellie from Down Under

Nellie from Down Under

Marty’s photo of the day #3862: After Deb and I adopted Nellie from an animal shelter, we had her DNA tested. She is one-half golden retriever and one-half Australian cattle dog (which also makes her one-quarter dingo). Those bloodlines have given her the most unique personality of any dog we’ve ever owned. Being that half […]

The snake bat-catcher

The snake bat-catcher

Marty’s photo of the day #3858: I took this photo on a dark, rainy night in Puerto Rico (that’s why there are a few water spots on the lens). I am standing at the entrance to a large cave that angles sharply down into the slippery rocks, trying not to fall in. What you are […]

Wet photography

Wet photography

Marty’s photo of the day #3854: Visiting Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe is a wet experience, especially when the water is high. I had to wipe off my camera lens before each shot. This particular photo has been sitting in a file on my computer for years, because I didn’t consider it one of my better […]

Natural Ice Sculpture

Natural Ice Sculpture

Marty’s photo of the day #3853: This is the creek below Deb’s and my house. If you saw yesterday’s photo of the day, you may think I have posted the same photo twice. I haven’t. I shot today’s photo this morning from the same spot as yesterday’s photo. The difference is that we’ve had a […]