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Author unmasked

Author unmasked

Marty’s photo(s) of the day #3408: I took these two self-portraits in the green room last night, moments before going on stage at Eastern Arizona College. As mentioned in my previous “Don’t Get COVID-19 and Die Tour” posts, this was the only in-person show I planned on performing during the pandemic (I’m performing lots of […]

Artsy toucan

Artsy toucan

Marty’s photo of the day #3397: Photographing a toucan in Costa Rica’s rainforest is difficult, because tree branches always seem to be in the way, and if they’re not, then the lighting is inconsistent. Sometimes you just have to go artsy.

Donald Trump’s new hairstylist

Donald Trump’s new hairstylist

When Martyman—ever the entrepreneur—learned that Donald Trump had deducted $70,000.00 from his tax returns for hairstyling, he shouted, “I can do that!” And since action figures are immune to COVID-19, he applied for the job and got it. Ladies and gentlemen . . . I present to you Donald Trump’s new hairstylist—Martyman!

Look down. No! Look up.

Look down. No! Look up.

Marty’s photo of the day #3396: When hiking in the rainforest, it’s always important to look down, so you don’t accidently step on a venomous snake. Then again, it’s important to look up too. In this photo, I’m in the rainforest of Borneo, standing underneath a Wagler’s pit viper.

The elephant surprise

The elephant surprise

Marty’s photo of the day #3391: I was exploring on my own in Zimbabwe, when I heard a series of cracks. I looked to my right, and there was this beautiful elephant. I had a zoom lens on my camera, so I wasn’t as close as this photo looks, but still, I was much closer […]