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The story of the naked walk

The story of the naked walk

Marty’s photo of the day #2397: This is a picture of our twelve-foot-tall Christmas tree and the story of the naked walk. Eight years ago, the furnace in our relatively new house suffered a series of breakdowns (likely due to repairman incompetence). Eventually we hired a different furnace company, which talked us into getting a […]

Hippo yawn

Hippo yawn

Marty’s photo of the day #2395: On December 14, I posted a photo of me looking through a hole in my canoe, after a hippo bit through it. Today, I’m following up on that post with a shot of a hippo “yawn.” When the hippo bit the canoe, it snapped the gunwale, which means the […]

Surviving a hippo attack

Surviving a hippo attack

Marty’s photo of the day #2393: This is me, looking through the hole in Deb’s and my canoe, after a hippo bit through it. If you haven’t heard the hippo attack story before, here’s a short excerpt from my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, which explains what happened:   Deb […]

Guest post from the Republican Jesus

Guest post from the Republican Jesus

Marty’s photo of the day #2391: Because of my frequent liberal posts, I have agreed to be fair to the other side and let the Republican Jesus have today’s post: “Hello Alabamans! Republican Jesus here. Thirteen months ago people just like you helped elect Donald Trump, a man who bragged about grabbing pussy without permission […]

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #10

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #10

Imagine if the United States had an egomaniacal president who thought he was smart enough to drop nuclear bombs here and there without negative consequences. What if you could go back to AD 31 and present the people of Galilee with a new liberal version of the Ten Commandments? How would that affect our culture […]

Charging Fur Seal

Charging Fur Seal

Marty’s photo of the day #2388: This short excerpt from my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, explains the shot: As Olle and the others meandered away, I lagged behind to take some photos. In the midst of setting up a shot, I inadvertently invaded the personal space of a fur […]

High Jinx n the African Bush

High Jinx n the African Bush

Marty’s photo of the day #2387: High jinx in the African bush! This short excerpt from Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents explains the shot: Our best find of the morning was a Land Rover parked beside a rutty road. One of the other guides had driven his clients into the bush, left the […]

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #9

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #9

Imagine if the United States had an egomaniacal president who thought he was smart enough to drop nuclear bombs here and there without negative consequences. What if you could go back to AD 31 and present the people of Galilee with a new liberal version of the Ten Commandments? How would that affect our culture […]

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #8

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #8

Imagine if the United States had an egomaniacal president who thought he was smart enough to drop nuclear bombs here and there without negative consequences. What if you could go back to AD 31 and present the people of Galilee with a new liberal version of the Ten Commandments? How would that affect our culture […]

Metaphorically circling the GOP

Metaphorically circling the GOP

Marty’s photo of the day #2386: Readers of my by second book, “Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico,” will recognize this black vulture photo. Just think, eleven months from now millions of these will be metaphorically circling the Republican Party.

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #7

From the Liberal Ten Commandments, #7

Imagine if the United States had an egomaniacal president who thought he was smart enough to drop nuclear bombs here and there without negative consequences. What if you could go back to AD 31 and present the people of Galilee with a new liberal version of the Ten Commandments? How would that affect our culture […]