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Best Campsite Ever!

Best Campsite Ever!

Marty’s photo of the day #4581: The best campsite ever. Our tent pitched along the river, just south of the Arctic Circle, in the Yukon Territory. Deb and I snuggled in the middle, with a dog on each side of us—keeping us warm. And just outside our tent—wolves howling!

Surrounded by wolves!

Surrounded by wolves!

Marty’s photo of the day #4306: Now that I have my brand new Ford Maverick truck, Deb, Nellie, and I are planning to head into far north Canada this fall. I took this photo the last time Deb and I made the trip. This is the 362-mile-long Campbell Highway, a gravel road that crosses the […]

Not a bunch of nothing

Not a bunch of nothing

Marty’s photo of the day #4233: When I perform my college show, Around the World in 90 Minutes, I talk about how important it is to keep the arctic natural. Then, while showing a wide photo of the tundra, I mention that the oil companies and the politicians that work for them frequently call the […]

On the tundra

On the tundra

Marty’s photo of the day #4218: Here’s a close-up of the tundra in the Yukon Territory of Canada. Not all of it looks like this, of course. Just a few feet away was a collection of tiny green and yellow plants, and just a few feet from there was another collection of different tiny plants, […]

Faro in the fog

Faro in the fog

Marty’s photo of the day #4215: Somehow, through the years, the file containing all the Sony Mavica photos from Deb’s and my 2002 adventure to the top of Canada disappeared from my computers. That old digital camera recorded onto mini-CDs. Even by today’s standards that camera took great still and macro photos (but lousy photos […]

The All-Wolf Opera

The All-Wolf Opera

Marty’s photo of the day #3871: This is me performing Around the World in 90 Minutes at Santa Rosa Jr. College in California. Here I am talking about my adventure in the Yukon Territory, conducting the “All-Wolf Opera,” as wolves howl all around me. Thanks to photographer extraordinaire Kitti Homme for the picture.

Wolves in the night

Wolves in the night

Marty’s photo of the day #3552: I took this photo from my favorite campsite ever. Deb and I were in the Yukon Territory, traveling for the Canada chapter of my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents. After we snuggled into our tent with our dogs, a wolf started howling next to […]