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The Book Club

The Book Club

Marty’s photo of the day #4611: Earlier this week, Deb, Nellie, and I watched “The Book Club: The Next Chapter” (where the characters travel to Italy). The movie was good, but not great. Mostly Deb and I would take turns blurting out, “We were there!” and Nellie would bark out, “Where are the dogs?” So […]

Weaving in Venice

Weaving in Venice

Marty’s photo of the day #4066: When Deb and I were in Venice, Italy in late 2018, I got to play reporter’s photographer at the Luigi Becilacqua workshop. There my wife interviewed a representative for an article she was writing for Handwoven Magazine. The velvet weaving workshop dates back to 1875, and their work is […]

Venice side canal

Venice side canal

Marty’s photo of the day #3627: This is one of the side canals in Venice, Italy. I don’t know about you, but it just seems to me that—at any moment—James Bond should come racing down the canal in a speedboat, with some villain in hot pursuit.

Empty Venice

Empty Venice

Marty’s photo of the day #3186: I teleported over to Venice yesterday to take this photo. Well, not really, but I did go through my Venice photos, looking for ones without humans in them, and this one caught my attention. This is, apparently, what the city looks like now. It’s hard to imagine an entire […]

Two vision of Venice

Two vision of Venice

Marty’s photo of the day #3155: Several years ago I read the novel Inamorata by Megan Chance. The story takes place in Venice, and as I read the novel my brain (with the help of the author) created the scenes. A year ago, when I actually visited Venice, the scenes created in my mind while […]

Venice, part 2

Venice, part 2

Marty’s photos of the day #2762—today features Venice part two of two: I remember learning about Venice, when I was in high school, and being absolutely fascinated. Also, several years ago I stumbled upon a wonderful novel by Megan Chance, “Inamorata,” that took place in 19th century Venice. So when the Within Temptation concert enticed Deb […]

Venice, part 1

Venice, part 1

Marty’s photos of the day #2761: I remember learning about Venice, when I was in high school, and being absolutely fascinated. Also, several years ago I stumbled upon a wonderful novel by Megan Chance, “Inamorata,” that took place in 19th century Venice. So when the Within Temptation concert enticed Deb and me to travel to […]



Marty’s photo of the day #2749:After being awake for more than 24 hours straight, because of our Italy to Missoula flights being canceled and rerouted, I’m back home, feeling reasonably alert. While in Italy, I took almost 2,000 photos and am just starting to sort through them—deleting 300 in the first cut. Here’s a shot […]

Greetings from Venice!

Greetings from Venice!

Marty’s photo of the day #2741: Greetings from Venice, Italy! It’s the end of a delightful day here in Venice. Deb and I just spent the last few hours having dinner (Where we met a delightful couple from England and Scotland—who were quite understanding that we were honorary Canadians until Donald Trump is out of […]