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Taking a break

Taking a break

Marty’s photo of the day #3887: Marty: “Just enjoying a break from writing my latest novel. This one will be my best ever. Not only is it hilarious, but it is also controversial enough to be banned by Republican-controlled school boards from coast-to-coast.” Nellie: “I’ve been watching you write all day. We finally get outside, […]

Winter has no decency

Winter has no decency

Marty’s photo of the day #3877: I am a fan of winter, but only if winter has the decency to drop below freezing and stay there. This winter (in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana) is my least favorite winter in twenty-five years. We get snow—Yay, skiing!—and then it gets warm enough to start melting the […]

Nellie from Down Under

Nellie from Down Under

Marty’s photo of the day #3862: After Deb and I adopted Nellie from an animal shelter, we had her DNA tested. She is one-half golden retriever and one-half Australian cattle dog (which also makes her one-quarter dingo). Those bloodlines have given her the most unique personality of any dog we’ve ever owned. Being that half […]

In love with snow

In love with snow

Marty’s photo of the day #3839: I’ve always had dogs in my life, but none have enjoyed the snow as much as Nellie does. Whenever we have new snow, she’ll run through the forest surrounding our house, exclaiming in her own language: “Look at all this white stuff! It’s everywhere! Oh, this white stuff is […]

Winter games

Winter games

Marty’s photo of the day #3830: Every morning at 8:30 Nellie comes into my writing room and stares at me until I take her outside to play Frisbee. Although she does catch the disc, doing so isn’t a high priority for her. She would rather retrieve the Frisbee and then pull it away a split-second […]

Laying on paws

Laying on paws

Marty’s photo of the day #3826: I’m not allergic to anything, and I have never had a reaction to any shot—except the Moderna shot. Deb and I got our boosters on Wednesday, and we both had a reaction. For me, it was as if I had gone several rounds with a heavyweight boxer. I ached […]

Happy Birthday Nellie!

Happy Birthday Nellie!

Marty’s photo of the day #3796: Happy Birthday to Nellie! She is two-years-old today. Well, since she was a stray, adopted from an animal shelter, I’m not sure of the exact date. But based on the age estimate from the animal shelter and the fifteen months she’s lived with us, I am likely within a […]

Where’s the water?

Where’s the water?

Marty’s photo of the day #3779: This is Lake Bowdoin in northeastern Montana, near the town of Malta. When Deb and I traveled to the American Prairie Reserve, we took the long way and drove north out of the Bitterroot Valley, stopped in Kalispell, where I performed a show at Flathead Valley Community College, and […]

Dogs make the trip!

Dogs make the trip!

Marty’s photo of the day #3768: When Deb and I traveled the world for my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, I loved all of our adventures. Even so, our least exotic trip, to the top of Canada, always gives me the warmest feelings when I think back about it. That’s […]

Conflicted genetics

Conflicted genetics

Marty’s photo of the day #3764: When Deb and I adopted Nellie from the animal shelter, a little over a year ago, we assumed she was a black Lab mix. A DNA test showed otherwise. She’s actually one-half golden retriever and one-half Australian cattle dog. We don’t dispute the DNA test, as we can see […]

Wolf spider on the prairie

Wolf spider on the prairie

Marty’s photo of the day #3761: Whenever I’m out photographing nature, sooner or later I will end up on my hands and knees capturing an image of something small. In this instance, Deb, Nellie, and I were hiking the American Prairie Reserve, in a dry area that overlooked the Judith River. The ground beneath my […]

Elk on the prairie

Elk on the prairie

Marty’s photo of the day #3760: Stalking elk on the open prairie isn’t easy—especially when accompanied by a very active, medium-sized dog. The elk were at the beginning of their rut, when Deb, Nellie, and I visited the American Prairie Reserve earlier this month. A few times we even heard them bugling. These two bulls […]