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The bluff on the prairie

The bluff on the prairie

Marty’s photo of the day #4081: Deb, Nellie, and I just spent six days in the American Prairie of central Montana. On Sunday, we enjoyed a spectacular high prairie hike that climbed to an outcrop, which overlooked an entire valley. Nellie raced to the edge of the bluff and started barking and growling at something […]

Year of spectacular sunsets

Year of spectacular sunsets

Marty’s photo of the day #4057: In a few weeks, Deb (wife), Nellie (dog), and I (Nellie’s plaything) will be returning to Montana’s American Prairie (formerly the American Prairie Reserve). Last year’s visit was too brief, so we’re going to stay longer this time. There’s so much to explore! This photo is from last year—the […]

Above the Arctic Circle

Above the Arctic Circle

Marty’s photo of the day #4055: Deb and I are hoping to give our dog, Nellie, her first taste of life above the Arctic Circle sometime next year. And, if we are lucky, hike with the Porcupine caribou migration again. There’s no feeling like being miles away from the nearest human, surrounded by whatever nature […]

Waterhole side-eye

Waterhole side-eye

Marty’s photo of the day #4059: Of all the dogs I’ve had in my life, Nellie is the best at giving side-eye. And I swear half the time she does it just to be funny. DNA tests have confirmed Nellie to be one-half golden retriever and one-half Australian cattle dog (which also makes her one-fourth […]

Big pod mariposa lilies

Big pod mariposa lilies

Marty’s photo of the day #4058: Last week’s backpacking trip took Deb (wife), Nellie (dog), and me up to about 6,700 feet. That meant many of the wildflowers were in full bloom. Big pod mariposa lilies were everywhere! And seemingly every one had a different species of bug inside. Photographing the lilies, however, was a […]

Alpine aster

Alpine aster

Marty’s photo of the day #4057: Last week’s backpacking trip took Deb (wife), Nellie (dog), and me up to about 6,700 feet. That meant many of the wildflowers were still in bloom. This tiny alpine aster was one of those flowers. Note that a spider has a fly between the petals.

Prairie smoke

Prairie smoke

Marty’s photo of the day #4054: This is one of my favorite photos from Deb’s, Nellie’s, and my backpacking trip earlier this week. Prairie smoke was plentiful where we were hiking (in Anaconda Mountain Range of southwestern Montana), but it was difficult to photograph because the slightest breeze would swing the plant back and forth […]

The Secret Spot, Pt 1

The Secret Spot, Pt 1

Marty’s photo of the day #4038: When Deb and I moved to the Bitterroot Valley, in 1996, we could go to almost any trail and hike for hours without seeing another person. That has changed, as the valley has become a tourist destination. Even so, Deb and I still have our Secret Spot, which is […]

Stashed fawn

Stashed fawn

Marty’s photo of the day #4013: It’s baby animal time on the Essen Wildlife Refuge. Yesterday morning, a doe ran right up to my dog, Nellie, and me, trying to distract us, and then last night, my wife, Deb happened to step outside just in time to see likely the same deer stash her fawn. […]

Flowers of waves

Flowers of waves

Marty’s photo of the day #4010: All the rain this year has made for spectacular waves of wildflowers at the Essen Wildlife Refuge, surrounding Deb’s and my house. A few weeks ago, the white flowers of the serviceberry bushes were everywhere; then they were replaced by the yellow flowers of arrowleaf balsamroots; now they are […]

Must . . . stay . . . awake

Must . . . stay . . . awake

Marty’s photo of the day #3951: This photo is from last summer, at the end of the first day of Nellie’s first backpacking trip. After hiking twice as far as Deb and me, Nellie really wanted to take a nap. But what if the day’s adventures weren’t over? She must keep her eyes open—just in […]

A dog and her toys

A dog and her toys

Marty’s photo of the day #3936: Nellie is one-half golden retriever and one-half Australian cattle dog (which also makes her one-quarter dingo). Consequently, she is the most intelligent dog Deb and I have ever had, and she requires a lot of mental stimulation. Each morning—no matter what the weather—I take Nellie to an open section […]