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3,000 miles without a bathroom

3,000 miles without a bathroom

Marty’s photo of the day #4732: Four years ago, this week, Donald Trump was busy fucking up the United States’ response to COVID-19, killing hundreds of thousands of people. All my in-person college speaking gigs were cancelled accept one: Eastern Arizona College. After the college assured me that everyone in the audience would be masked, […]

The Memory Rock

The Memory Rock

Marty’s photo of the day #4651: This photo, from late October 2020, brings back a lot of memories for me. The COVID-19 pandemic was still in the Trumpy stage, and I got booked to present my show, “Around the World in 90 Minutes,” at Eastern Arizona College. Most of my other college gigs had been […]

Author unmasked

Author unmasked

Marty’s photo(s) of the day #3408: I took these two self-portraits in the green room last night, moments before going on stage at Eastern Arizona College. As mentioned in my previous “Don’t Get COVID-19 and Die Tour” posts, this was the only in-person show I planned on performing during the pandemic (I’m performing lots of […]

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

Marty’s photo of the day #3229: Happy Earth Day! Because human activities have taken a COVID-19 break, the planet actually is enjoying one of its better Earth Days. Since I’m an environmental college speaker, Earth Week is traditionally my biggest week for bookings of the year. This time my entire week was wiped out. Tonight […]