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Annie the black flying fox

Annie the black flying fox

Marty’s photo of the day #4725: Greetings again from Illinois! Here’s another photo from Around the World in 90 Minutes. This is Annie, a black flying fox, photographed at a flying fox rehabilitation and breeding facility in Queensland, Australia. I have one more college show before flying back to Montana. Here’s where I’m performing tonight: […]



Marty’s photos of the day #4567: This is a laughing kookaburra, photographed in Australia. Here’s what I wrote about these birds in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents: Though not as stunning as the kingfishers or cockatoos, laughing kookaburras are handsome gray and white birds with a very famous call: […]

Platypus luck

Platypus luck

Marty’s photo of the day #4451: When Deb and I traveled to Australia, one of our goals was to see a platypus. We had heard they were difficult to find, but we got lucky and saw multiple platypuses over multiple days. Photographing them was a different matter, however. They lived in a fairly wide section […]

Watching platypuses

Watching platypuses

Marty’s photo of the day #4450: Here’s an artsy photo I took of my wife, Deb, watching platypuses. After a 29 hour flight (including layovers) between Montana and Brisbane, Australia, then an in-country flight to Mackay, and then an hour-long drive, we arrived at the Broken River just a wee bit tired. Nevertheless, we were […]

Got any snacks?

Got any snacks?

Marty’s photo of the day #4326: “Got any snacks?” This photo is a bit out of focus, but it cracks me up. This is Herbie, an agile wallaby. He was a rescue animal at Chillagoe Cabins in Queensland, Australia. At the time I shot this photo, Herbie was just a few months away from being […]

All ready for her nap

All ready for her nap

Marty’s photo of the day #4231: All ready for her nap! This is me holding Bonnie, a silver wallaroo. Bonnie’s mother was hit by a car. The mother died, but Bonnie survived in the pouch. When not in someone’s arms, Bonnie hopped around and hung out in an artificial pouch. Later, once she was old […]

The bulky camera that could

The bulky camera that could

Marty’s photo of the day #4111: For the last month or so, I’ve been exclusively posting photos I took in the United States. It’s time to return to posting photos I took all over the world. I shot this white-lipped tree frog in Queensland, Australia, twenty years ago. At the time, digital photography was in […]

But where’s Mom?

But where’s Mom?

Marty’s photo of the day #4016: This is an amethystine python that I photographed on a night hike through the rainforest of northern Queensland, Australia. He was about 7 feet-long, but somewhere in this forest was Mom, at 23 feet-long. If only I could find her.

Outback caves

Outback caves

Marty’s photo of the day #3980: I took this photo while looking for Children’s pythons in the outback of Queensland, Australia. The pythons were better at hiding than I was at searching, but the colorful caves helped to brighten an unsuccessful search.