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A different meaning today

A different meaning today

Marty’s photo of the day #3334: Among my favorite photos to post are those that I took years ago that mean something different today. This is Dr. Michael Glassman, a friend I made on my Antarctica trip. Back then he was just staying warm. Today the photo means, “Be courteous and wear a fucking mask […]

The volcano wins!

The volcano wins!

Marty’s photo of the day #3303: You are looking at an abandoned building that was once part of a Norwegian whaling station on Deception Island, off the coast of Antarctica. Much of the station is now buried in ash and mud from multiple volcanic eruptions. Go volcano!

Playing with humpbacks

Playing with humpbacks

Marty’s photo of the day #3256: I took this picture off the coast of Antarctica. On this glorious day, the humpback whales played with the Zodiac Deb and I were in. They’d come at us at a fast clip, and just when it looked like they would knock us into the water, they’d dive underneath […]

Giving Atlas a break

Giving Atlas a break

Marty’s photo of the day #3169: I can’t believe it was seventeen years ago today that Deb and I stepped onto Antarctica! It seems like just a few years ago. At the time, we were among the first 100,000 people in the history of the world to step onto the continent. Since then that number […]

Saved from the brink

Saved from the brink

Marty’s photo of the day #3146: I photographed this Antarctic fur seal on a little island off the coast of Antarctica. This species of fur seal almost went extinct due to over-hunting, but fortunately international protection stepped in before it was too late. Thank God the Trumps weren’t in power at that time, or Donny […]