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The baby Maverick

The baby Maverick

Marty’s photo of the day #4591: Three months ago, when Deb and I traveled to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, we drove all the way to the town of Port Hardy, on the northern tip of the island. We stayed there for three days and ate at the Sporty Bar & Grill twice. The first time […]

Steller’s Jay Blue

Steller’s Jay Blue

Marty’s photo of the day #4590: When camping in Canada, one can always depend on the Steller’s jays showing up. I photographed this one back in September while camping on Vancouver Island. This one was checking out my Ford Maverick truck to see if I had left any food open in the back. Ford calls […]

The stick library

The stick library

Marty’s photo of the day #4586: As many of you know, Nellie had TPLO surgery on her left-rear leg four weeks ago. She’s doing great, but won’t be fully recovered until sometime in January. Until then, the veterinarian’s instructions are to not let Nellie climb stairs, run, or jump. That means keeping Nellie on a […]

Arctic Ocean canoeing

Arctic Ocean canoeing

Marty’s photo of the day #4584: The last part of Deb’s and my canoe trip across the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge included canoeing across a small section of the Arctic Ocean. It was stunning. (For more, read my second book, Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico.)

No cone for Nellie

No cone for Nellie

Marty’s photos of the day #4575: Nellie is not ready to play with the big stick yet, but yesterday was a significant day in her recovery from TPLO surgery (Doggie Tommy John) on her left rear leg. Early in the morning, Nellie and I traveled to Missoula to get the staples taken out of her […]