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The improved leopard

The improved leopard

Marty’s photo of the day #4751: Yesterday, I featured a 20-year-old picture from Spain that I was able to improve enough with my recently updated photo program to post. Here’s another one: This leopard photo is almost as old, and it was so late in the evening when I shot it that I barely had […]

Feed me, now!

Feed me, now!

Marty’s photo of the day #4749: The Rufous hummingbirds have arrived and enthusiastically announced, “We’ve endured a long migration, and we’re hungry. Where’s the feeder? It was here last year. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!”

Western skink

Western skink

Marty’s photo of the day #4744: Our dog, Nellie, gets the credit for this photo. Last night, we were out for a walk in the Essen Wildlife Refuge, when she insisted something to play with was under a log. I thought she’d found a mouse, but it turned out to be a western skink. When […]

The hunt

The hunt

Marty’s photo of the day #4740: You can only see one in this photo, but at the time, I was watching six lions (all female) hunting Cape buffalo. Photographed while canoeing the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe.



Marty’s photo of the day #4738: Meerkats! Okay, I confess this is a total cheat shot. I photographed these frisky little guys when I presented Around the World in 90 Minutes at the Oglebay Good Zoo in Wheeling, West Virginia. Someday, I’m confident, I’ll photograph meerkats in the wild.

The useful black vulture

The useful black vulture

Marty’s photo of the day #4737: People tend to dislike vultures, but they are incredibly useful birds. Take this black vulture that I photographed in southern Florida. Who’s to say that she didn’t eat something incredibly rotten and disgusting before flying over Mar-a-Lago and letting it rip!