Spring is here, and that means the nighttime activity is wild at the Essen Wildlife Refuge in Montana. My motion-sensing cameras switch to infrared mode at night, hence the lack of color. The photos from this week: mountain lion, coyote, racoons, fox, deer, bigfoot.
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Category: Photography
Wild Turkeys Galore
Marty’s photo of the day #4674: Wild turkeys galore! Photographed with a motion-sensing camera at the Essen Wildlife Refuge, Montana.
The Lion Knows You Are There
People can spend a lifetime outdoors in Montana and never see a mountain lion. But as my motion-sensing camera proves, the mountain lion knows you are there. These photos are just a few minutes apart. In the second photo, the lion is looking exactly where Nellie and I are coming from. This was not unexpected. […]
It’s Good to Be a Writer/Photographer
Marty’s photo of the day #4673: It’s good to be a writer/photographer! While working on my second book, Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico, I contacted Dr. Armando Rodriguez of Inter American University in Puerto Rico. On a dark and rainy night, he took my wife […]
Elephant Seal Close-Up
Marty’s photo of the day #4672: Female elephant seal, photographed on a tiny island near Antarctica.
Up Close With an Amazon Tree Boa
Marty’s photo of the day #4670: Elon Musk claims empathy is a “fundamental weakness.” Except when he begs for it because of his losses from the Swasticar boycott. The empathy these baby orangutans show for each other demonstrate that they’re far more evolved than Musk will ever be. Photographed in Borneo.
Queen of the Essen Wildlife Refuge
Marty’s photo of the day #4668: I’ve often wished that I could “speak dog” to tell Nellie about the dangers of being queen of the Essen Wildlife Refuge. She never goes outside alone but still managed to tree this mountain lion last night. Fortunately, the mountain lion also agrees that Nellie is queen.
This Evening’s Mountain Lion
Every night, Deb and I take our dog, Nellie, on a walk around the perimeter of the Essen Wildlife Refuge. This evening, she was off-leash and started barking at something—and her bark was more protective than usual. I put her on a leash and investigated, expecting to find a moose or racoon. Instead, she had […]
Spanish Ibex
Jabiru Stork
Penguin Race
Marty’s photo of the day #4665: Penguin race! Photographed on a tiny island off the coast of Antarctica.
Looking Up
Pronghorns on the American Prairie
Marty’s photo of the day #4663: With all the devastating damage the Trump regime is doing to the environment, I am so thankful for Montana’s American Prairie, where pronghorns like these can thrive, largely protected from far-right greediness. For those that don’t know, the American Prairie is a wonderful project in central Montana that is […]
Great Horned Owl Chicks
Marty’s photo of the day #4662: You are looking at a great horned owl and her chicks. Don’t worry. All three chicks are fine. That’s how they sleep! Photographed in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana.
The Official Moose of the Essen Wildlife Refuge
Marty’s photo of the day #4661: This is Martha, the official moose of the Essen Wildlife Refuge. Today’s photo is from a few years back, but the first moose of the new year have arrived. So far, all I’ve seen are tracks in the snow. I’m always amazed at how moose can hang around the […]
Hawksbill Close-up
Marty’s photo of the day #4660: A hawksbill sea turtle swims in for a close-up. These magnificent turtles are listed as critically endangered by the IUCN. Photographed off the coast of Bonaire.
Scene From My Favorite Campsite
Marty’s photo of the day #4659: This is a scene from my all-time favorite campsite, located in the Yukon Territory of the still free, not fucking insane, country of Canada. After dark, wolves came down from the mountain to howl around our tent.